10.11.2016 20:53:21,796 LDAP (ERROR ): InvalidSyntax: User name: Username must only contain numbers, letters and dots, and may not be 'admin'! (uid=test-,cn=users,dc=future,dc=example,dc=org) 10.11.2016 20:53:21,796 LDAP (WARNING): sync to ucs was not successfull, save rejected 10.11.2016 20:53:21,796 LDAP (WARNING): object was: CN=test-,CN=Users,DC=future,DC=example,DC=org 10.11.2016 20:53:21,797 LDAP (WARNING): sqlite: You must not use 8-bit bytestrings unless you use a text_factory that can interpret 8-bit bytestrings (like text_factory = str). It is highly recommended that you instead just switch your application to Unicode strings. 10.11.2016 20:53:21,797 LDAP (WARNING): sqlite: You must not use 8-bit bytestrings unless you use a text_factory that can interpret 8-bit bytestrings (like text_factory = str). It is highly recommended that you instead just switch your application to Unicode strings 10.11.2016 21:00:51,179 LDAP (INFO ): Search S4 with filter: (uSNChanged>=3862) 10.11.2016 21:00:51,183 LDAP (INFO ): Search S4 with filter: (uSNChanged>=3862) 10.11.2016 21:00:51,187 LDAP (INFO ): object_from_element: olddn: 10.11.2016 21:00:51,188 LDAP (INFO ): _ignore_object: Do not ignore CN=test3/13,CN=Users,DC=future,DC=example,DC=org 10.11.2016 21:00:51,189 LDAP (INFO ): _object_mapping: map with key user and type con 10.11.2016 21:00:51,190 LDAP (INFO ): _dn_type con 10.11.2016 21:00:51,190 LDAP (INFO ): samaccount_dn_mapping: check newdn for key dn: 10.11.2016 21:00:51,190 LDAP (INFO ): samaccount_dn_mapping: not premapped (in first instance) 10.11.2016 21:00:51,191 LDAP (INFO ): samaccount_dn_mapping: got an S4-Object 10.11.2016 21:00:51,191 LDAP (INFO ): samaccount_dn_mapping: samaccountname is:test3/13 10.11.2016 21:00:51,192 LDAP (INFO ): samaccount_dn_mapping: newdn for key dn: 10.11.2016 21:00:51,192 LDAP (INFO ): samaccount_dn_mapping: olddn: CN=test3/13,CN=Users,DC=future,DC=example,DC=org 10.11.2016 21:00:51,193 LDAP (INFO ): samaccount_dn_mapping: newdn: uid=test3/13,CN=Users,DC=future,DC=example,DC=org 10.11.2016 21:00:51,193 LDAP (INFO ): samaccount_dn_mapping: check newdn for key olddn: 10.11.2016 21:00:51,193 LDAP (INFO ): sid_to_ucs_mapping 10.11.2016 21:00:51,195 LDAP (INFO ): _ignore_object: Do not ignore uid=test3/13,cn=users,dc=future,dc=example,dc=org 10.11.2016 21:00:51,195 LDAP (INFO ): get_ucs_object: object not found: uid=test3/13,cn=users,dc=future,dc=example,dc=org 10.11.2016 21:00:51,196 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: [ user] [ add] uid=test3/13,cn=users,dc=future,dc=example,dc=org 10.11.2016 21:00:51,196 LDAP (INFO ): sync_to_ucs: set position to cn=users,dc=future,dc=example,dc=org 10.11.2016 21:00:51,196 LDAP (INFO ): The following attributes have been changed: [] 10.11.2016 21:00:51,197 LDAP (INFO ): sync_to_ucs: lock S4 guid: 64048bbc-4403-44a7-a14c-d4b84743346e 10.11.2016 21:00:51,197 LDAP (INFO ): LockingDB: Execute SQL command: 'INSERT INTO S4_LOCK(guid) VALUES(?);', '('64048bbc-4403-44a7-a14c-d4b84743346e',)' 10.11.2016 21:00:51,215 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: object: {'dn': u'uid=test3/13,cn=users,dc=future,dc=example,dc=org', 'attributes': {'primaryGroupID': [u'513'], 'logonCount': [u'0'], 'cn': [u'test3/13'], 'countryCode': [u'0'], 'objectClass': [u'top', u'person', u'organizationalPerson', u'user'], 'userPrincipalName': [u'test3/13@future.example.org'], 'instanceType': [u'4'], 'uid': [u'test3/13'], 'distinguishedName': [u'CN=test3/13,CN=Users,DC=future,DC=example,DC=org'], 'sAMAccountType': [u'805306368'], 'objectSid': [u'S-1-5-21-2683664980-1279377231-3441322361-1117'], 'whenCreated': [u'20161110200049.0Z'], 'uSNCreated': [u'3862'], 'badPasswordTime': [u'0'], 'pwdLastSet': [u'131232816491620170'], 'sAMAccountName': [u'test3/13'], 'objectCategory': [u'CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=future,DC=example,DC=org'], 'objectGUID': [u'\xbc\x8b\x04d\x03D\xa7D\xa1L\xd4\xb8GC4n'], 'whenChanged': [u'20161110200049.0Z'], 'badPwdCount': [u'0'], 'accountExpires': [u'0'], 'name': [u'test3/13'], 'codePage': [u'0'], 'userAccountControl': [u'66048'], 'lastLogon': [u'0'], 'sambaSID': u'1117', 'uSNChanged': [u'3866'], 'servicePrincipalName': [u'TEST13/ucs01.future.example.org'], 'lastLogoff': [u'0']}, 'changed_attributes': [], 'modtype': 'add'} 10.11.2016 21:00:51,216 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: Set: objectSid 10.11.2016 21:00:51,216 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: set attribute, ucs_key: sambaRID - value: 1117 10.11.2016 21:00:51,238 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: module users/user has no custom attributes 10.11.2016 21:00:51,238 LDAP (INFO ): set key in ucs-object: sambaRID 10.11.2016 21:00:51,238 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: Set: givenName 10.11.2016 21:00:51,258 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: no ldap_attribute defined in , we unset the key firstname in the ucs-object 10.11.2016 21:00:51,258 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: Set: displayName 10.11.2016 21:00:51,275 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: no ldap_attribute defined in , we unset the key displayName in the ucs-object 10.11.2016 21:00:51,275 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: Set: sAMAccountName 10.11.2016 21:00:51,276 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: set attribute, ucs_key: username - value: [u'test3/13'] 10.11.2016 21:00:51,293 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: module users/user has no custom attributes 10.11.2016 21:00:51,294 LDAP (ERROR ): InvalidSyntax: User name: Username must only contain numbers, letters and dots, and may not be 'admin'! (uid=test3/13,cn=users,dc=future,dc=example,dc=org) 10.11.2016 21:00:51,294 LDAP (WARNING): sync to ucs was not successfull, save rejected 10.11.2016 21:00:51,294 LDAP (WARNING): object was: CN=test3/13,CN=Users,DC=future,DC=example,DC=org 10.11.2016 21:00:51,320 LDAP (INFO ): _set_lastUSN: new lastUSN is: 3866 10.11.2016 21:00:56,328 LDAP (INFO ): Search S4 with filter: (uSNCreated>=3867)