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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity OS Target Milestone Summary
19621 4 0 AD Connector normal Linux UCS 4.2-x "Passwort bei der nächsten Anmeldung ändern" Synchronisation (POSIX/Kerberos)
24923 2 0 AD Connector enhancement Linux --- Gruppennamen erkennen
33674 2 0 AD Connector enhancement Linux --- UMC-Module for AD Connector administration
56356 2 0 App Provider normal Linux --- Add reference for key and values of app .ini file to app provider documentation
8505 2 0 Central management / UMC / UDM normal Linux --- proof_*-Skripte dokumentieren
16798 2 0 DHCP normal Linux UCS 3.x ddns: Quoting von Domänennamen
22331 2 0 DVS Templates normal Linux --- DVS Templates: abgebrochene "Sysprep" Instanzen anzeigen
31269 5 0 Developer documentation normal Linux --- Developer Documentation for UMC
22506 2 0 General enhancement Linux --- Umstellung des Init-Systems auf Dependency-basierten Start
49575 2 0 General normal Linux --- appcenter/query updater/maintenance_information : local_verify_locations() : IOError FileNotFoundError
46926 2 0 Google Apps for Work normal Linux --- googleapps/state: Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method.
47680 2 0 Google Apps for Work normal Linux --- Rename Google Apps for Work to "Google Workspace"
23412 2 0 IP and network management normal Linux --- DDNS Einrichtung für externe DNS Server
56103 2 0 Join (univention-join) normal Linux --- Domain Setup failed: Host name is already assigned
31606 2 0 LDAP normal Linux --- various UCR variables may beak slapd.conf
44200 2 0 LDAP normal Linux --- index: univentionPortalEntryPortal not indexed
28692 2 0 Mail enhancement Linux --- Make mailAlternativeAddress available for group objects
24023 4 0 Mail services normal Linux --- Dokumentation zu Transport Maps und Canonical Maps
18727 2 0 OpenDVDI normal Linux --- Leere Werte für die Drop-Down-Listen
32377 2 0 Quota enhancement Linux --- review quota implementation: shares vs. partitions

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What are "Most Frequently Reported Bugs"?

The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into Univention Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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