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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity OS Target Milestone Summary
31606 2 0 LDAP normal Linux --- various UCR variables may beak slapd.conf
45052 2 0 UMC - Groups normal Linux --- user should not be removeable from its primary group
43613 2 0 Update - univention-updater normal Linux --- univention-updater should not remove univention-server packages
37085 2 0 UDM (Generic) normal Linux UCS 4.x uidNumber not checked while creating user
30319 2 0 UMC - Distribution normal Linux --- teacher can collect project from other teacher
49415 2 0 S4 Connector normal Linux --- stabilize errata tests on S4 connector
25535 3 0 UMC - Domain management (Generic) normal Linux --- show how many objects have already been moved in progressbar
16426 2 0 Update - Release updates normal Linux --- sed-fehler beim update von cyrus-common-2.2
32377 2 0 Quota enhancement Linux --- review quota implementation: shares vs. partitions
8505 2 0 Central management / UMC / UDM normal Linux --- proof_*-Skripte dokumentieren
42597 8 0 UMC (Generic) normal Linux --- make MultiInput a complete widget
44735 4 0 UMC - Domain management (Generic) normal Linux --- ldapError: LDAP connection invalid
44200 2 0 LDAP normal Linux --- index: univentionPortalEntryPortal not indexed
46926 2 0 Google Apps for Work normal Linux --- googleapps/state: Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method.
45814 2 0 UDM (Generic) enhancement Linux --- eMail-Addresses in IDN-Domains are not possible
16798 2 0 DHCP normal Linux UCS 3.x ddns: Quoting von Domänennamen
54099 2 0 Update - Repository administration normal Linux --- apt / updater: The repository 'https://updates.software-univention.de ucs500 Release' no longer has a Release file
49575 2 0 General normal Linux --- appcenter/query updater/maintenance_information : local_verify_locations() : IOError FileNotFoundError
19744 2 0 UMC - App-Center enhancement Linux UCS 3.x [Softwaremanagement] Möglichkeit mehrere Pakete gleichzeitig zu installieren
8683 2 0 UMC - Shares normal Linux UCS 2.x Zwei 'Name'-Attribute an Freigabeobjekten

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What are "Most Frequently Reported Bugs"?

The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into Univention Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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