08.07.2019 10:31:37.939 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: Resync rejected dn: CN=PSPs,CN=System,DC=schein,DC=me 08.07.2019 10:31:37.939 LDAP (INFO ): Search S4 with filter: (|(uSNChanged=3593)(uSNCreated=3593)) 08.07.2019 10:31:37.940 LDAP (INFO ): encode_s4_object: attrib objectGUID ignored during encoding 08.07.2019 10:31:37.940 LDAP (INFO ): Search S4 with filter: (|(uSNChanged=3593)(uSNCreated=3593)) 08.07.2019 10:31:37.941 LDAP (INFO ): Search S4 with filter: (|(uSNChanged=3593)(uSNCreated=3593)) 08.07.2019 10:31:37.942 LDAP (INFO ): object_from_element: olddn: 08.07.2019 10:31:37.942 LDAP (INFO ): _object_mapping: map with key container and type con 08.07.2019 10:31:37.943 LDAP (INFO ): _dn_type con 08.07.2019 10:31:37.943 LDAP (INFO ): _ignore_object: Do not ignore CN=PSPs,CN=System,dc=schein,dc=me 08.07.2019 10:31:37.943 LDAP (INFO ): _ignore_object: Do not ignore CN=PSPs,CN=System,DC=schein,DC=me 08.07.2019 10:31:37.944 LDAP (INFO ): get_ucs_object: object not found: CN=PSPs,CN=System,dc=schein,dc=me 08.07.2019 10:31:37.944 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: [ container] [ add] CN=PSPs,CN=System,dc=schein,dc=me 08.07.2019 10:31:37.944 LDAP (INFO ): sync_to_ucs: set position to CN=System,dc=schein,dc=me 08.07.2019 10:31:37.945 LDAP (INFO ): The following attributes have been changed: [] 08.07.2019 10:31:37.945 LDAP (INFO ): sync_to_ucs: lock S4 guid: c291b110-3ecf-47c6-85ce-2aeca1440985 08.07.2019 10:31:37.945 LDAP (INFO ): LockingDB: Execute SQL command: 'INSERT INTO S4_LOCK(guid) VALUES(?);', '('c291b110-3ecf-47c6-85ce-2aeca1440985',)' 08.07.2019 10:31:37.948 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: object: {'dn': u'CN=PSPs,CN=System,dc=schein,dc=me', 'attributes': {'distinguishedName': [u'CN=PSPs,CN=System,DC=schein,DC=me'], 'cn': [u'PSPs'], 'objectCategory': [u'CN=ms-Imaging-PSPs,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=schein,DC=me'], 'objectClass': [u'top', u'container', u'msImaging-PSPs'], 'objectGUID': [u'\x10\xb1\x91\xc2\xcf>\xc6G\x85\xce*\xec\xa1D\t\x85'], 'whenChanged': [u'20190605150630.0Z'], 'whenCreated': [u'20190605150630.0Z'], 'uSNCreated': [u'3593'], 'uSNChanged': [u'3593'], 'instanceType': [u'4'], 'name': [u'PSPs']}, 'changed_attributes': [], 'modtype': 'add'} 08.07.2019 10:31:37.948 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: Set: gPLink 08.07.2019 10:31:37.952 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: no ldap_attribute defined in , we unset the key gPLink in the ucs-object 08.07.2019 10:31:37.952 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: Set: cn 08.07.2019 10:31:37.952 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: set attribute, ucs_key: name - value: [u'PSPs'] 08.07.2019 10:31:37.955 LDAP (INFO ): set key in ucs-object: name 08.07.2019 10:31:37.955 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: Set: description 08.07.2019 10:31:37.957 LDAP (INFO ): __set_values: no ldap_attribute defined in , we unset the key description in the ucs-object 08.07.2019 10:31:37.972 LDAP (ERROR ): Unknown Exception during sync_to_ucs 08.07.2019 10:31:37.972 LDAP (ERROR ): Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/univention/s4connector/__init__.py", line 1547, in sync_to_ucs result = self.add_in_ucs(property_type, object, module, position) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/univention/s4connector/__init__.py", line 1295, in add_in_ucs res = ucs_object.create(serverctrls=serverctrls, response=response) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/admin/handlers/__init__.py", line 549, in create dn = self._create(response=response, serverctrls=serverctrls) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/admin/handlers/__init__.py", line 1267, in _create self.lo.add(self.dn, al, serverctrls=serverctrls, response=response) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/admin/uldap.py", line 854, in add raise univention.admin.uexceptions.permissionDenied permissionDenied