Configure 01univention-ldap-server-init.inst File: /var/lib/univention-ldap/ldap/DB_CONFIG OVER: Loading Translog Overlay OVER: db_init OVER: Configuring Translog Overlay OVER: Configured Translog Overlay to use file "/var/lib/univention-ldap/listener/listener" OVER: db_close OVER: db_destroy Not updating windows/domain Not updating kerberos/realm Check database: done Starting ldap server(s): slapd. . Configure 02univention-directory-notifier.inst Starting Univention Directory Notifier daemon. warning: univention-directory-notifier: unable to open supervise/ok: file does not exist failed. Configure 03univention-directory-listener.inst Configure 04univention-ldap-client.inst Create nsswitch/ldap File: /etc/nsswitch.conf Restarting NSCD:. Configure 05univention-bind.inst Adding ZONE record "root@kvm.local. 1 28800 7200 604800 10800 ucs30rc1.kvm.local." to zone kvm.local... done Adding A record "ucs30rc1" to zone kvm.local... done Adding ZONE record "root@kvm.local. 1 28800 7200 604800 10800 ucs30rc1.kvm.local." to zone 192.168.122... done Adding PTR record "25 ucs30rc1.kvm.local." to zone 192.168.122... done Create dns/master/address Create dns/master/port File: /etc/runit/univention-bind/run File: /etc/bind/named.conf.proxy Configure 08univention-apache.inst Module ssl disabled. Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration! Enabling module ssl. See /usr/share/doc/apache2.2-common/README.Debian.gz on how to configure SSL and create self-signed certificates. Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration! Reloading web server config: apache2. Configure 10univention-ldap-server.inst Adding SRV record "ldap tcp 0 100 7389 ucs30rc1.kvm.local." to zone kvm.local... done Adding ZONE record "root@kvm.local. 1 28800 10800 604800 108001 ucs30rc1.kvm.local." to zone 192.168.122... done Object created: cn=ucs30rc1,cn=dc,cn=computers,dc=kvm,dc=local