#!/bin/bash eval "$(ucr shell)" currentValue=$(ldbsearch -H ldapi:///var/lib/samba/private/ldap_priv/ldapi -b "CN=System,$ldap_base" '(&(objectClass=secret)(CN=BCKUPKEY_PREFERRED Secret))' currentValue | ldapsearch-wrapper | sed -n 's/^currentValue:: //p') if [ -z "$currentValue" ]; then echo "No BCKPKEY_PREFERRED found yet. Ok, nothing to do." exit 1 fi guid=$(echo "$currentValue" | python -c 'import sys,binascii; from samba.dcerpc.misc import GUID; from samba.ndr import ndr_unpack, ndr_print; print str(ndr_unpack(GUID, binascii.a2b_base64(sys.stdin.read())))') currentValue2=$(ldbsearch -H ldapi:///var/lib/samba/private/ldap_priv/ldapi -b "CN=System,$ldap_base" "(&(objectClass=secret)(CN=BCKUPKEY_$guid Secret))" currentValue | ldapsearch-wrapper | sed -n 's/^currentValue:: //p') cert=$(echo "$currentValue2" | base64 -d | dd bs=1c skip=1184 | openssl x509 -text -inform DER) echo "Currently active ClientWrap Backupkey certificate:" echo "===============================================================================" echo "$cert" echo "===============================================================================" echo echo bits=$(echo "$cert" | sed -n 's/.*RSA Public Key: (\([0-9]*\) bit)/\1/p') if [ -z "$bits" ]; then echo "Failed to read number of bits in RSA Public Key, sorry." fi if [ "$bits" != 2048 ]; then echo "The currently active ClientWrap Backupkey certificate doesn't seem to have 2048 bits (only $bits)." echo "Disable it?" echo "A new one will be generated the next time a new user logs on to a freshly bootet windows client." read -p "Disable it? [y/n] " if [ "${REPLY^^}" = Y ]; then ldbdel -H ldapi:///var/lib/samba/private/ldap_priv/ldapi "CN=BCKUPKEY_PREFERRED Secret,CN=System,$ldap_base" elif [ "${REPLY^^}" != N ]; then echo "Invalid answer." fi else echo "Everything ok." fi