--- /usr/bin/ucs-school-ntlm-auth.ORIG 2017-05-12 10:36:39.224000000 +0200 +++ /usr/bin/ucs-school-ntlm-auth.ORIG 2017-05-12 10:52:11.476000000 +0200 @@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ userToGroup = {} # { "user": ["group1", "group2", ], } groupInfo = {} # { "group1": (23, True, ), } +logfd = open('/tmp/FOO', 'a+') +def debug(msg): + print >>logfd, '%s\n' % msg def loadInfo(): configRegistry = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() @@ -74,22 +77,36 @@ def getNTPasswordHash(username, stationId): 'stationId may be None if it was not supplied to the program' + if username.startswith('host/'): + username = username.split('/', 1)[1] + if '.' in username: + username = username.split('.')[0] + if not '$' in username: + username += '$' groups = userToGroup.get(username) if groups is None: + debug('1 user = %r' % (username,)) + # debug('1 keys = %r' % (userToGroup.keys(),)) + debug('1 groups is None') return None groups = [groupInfo[group] for group in groups if group in groupInfo] if not groups: + debug('1 not groups') return None (maxPriority, _, ) = max(groups) if True not in [wlanEnabled for (priority, wlanEnabled, ) in groups if priority == maxPriority]: + debug('1 True not found') return None # user is authorized to use the W-LAN, retrieve NT-password-hash from LDAP and return it result = ldapConnection.search(filter=str(univention.admin.filter.expression('uid', username)), attr=['sambaNTPassword', 'sambaAcctFlags']) if not result: + debug('1 uid %r not found' % (username,)) return None sambaAccountFlags = frozenset(result[0][1]['sambaAcctFlags'][0]) if sambaAccountFlags & DISALLOWED_SAMBA_ACCOUNT_FLAGS: + debug('1 wrong flags') return None + debug('1 got hash') return result[0][1]['sambaNTPassword'][0].decode('hex')