Sat Sep 28 2024 19:09:08 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
27546 UCS S4 Conne connector-maintainers RESO DUPL Entfernte Gruppe im S4 noch vorhanden 2013-03-04
31986 UCS S4 Conne connector-maintainers RESO DUPL s4 connector failed to sync user with "Account Operators" as gidNumber 2016-09-27
32278 UCS S4 Conne connector-maintainers RESO DUPL group "Administrators" 2016-10-11
29712 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS DUPL Unzugeordnete Posix-IDs und Samba-SIDs in den Sysvol-ACLs 2023-03-25
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