Sun Sep 29 2024 00:39:00 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
44320 UCS UMC - DN hahn RESO DUPL dns/host_record without IP address is unaccessible/undeleteable 2023-10-09
32235 UCS UMC - DN umc-maintainers RESO DUPL dns/host_record with no IP is not shown / deletable 2017-07-11
41001 UCS UMC - DN umc-maintainers RESO DUPL creating TXT record via "extended options" at existing host record creates host duplicate 2016-04-06
44078 UCS UMC - DN umc-maintainers RESO DUPL DNS module shows duplicate entries 2021-04-27
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