Mon Jul 1 2024 05:21:04 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
46182 Z_Intern Listener mail-maintainers NEW --- [OX/4.2/7.8.4] group listener should sync groups only into contexts used by its members 2020-04-02
51947 UCS LDAP ucs-maintainers NEW --- Add Script to UCS 2020-09-22
35809 UCS UMC (Gen umc-maintainers REOP --- Configuration of UCS domain password policies 2024-04-29
51535 UCS Password ivan.delgado CLOS FIXE [4.4] After Server-Password-Change samba process is not started due to Failed to listen on ::1:135 2022-01-19
51721 UCS UDM - RE radovanovic.extern CLOS FIXE missing logrotation for directory-manager-rest.log 2021-10-28
5 bugs found.
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