Sat Sep 28 2024 15:14:32 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
38167 UCS Test AD Conne samba-maintainers NEW --- 41_ad_connector_rejects fails in "module,w2k12r2-france" 2018-04-14
38169 UCS Test AD Conne samba-maintainers NEW --- univention-samba join script is not executed in installation,w2k12-german-other-join-user setup setup 2018-04-14
38168 UCS Test UMC umc-maintainers NEW --- 60_umc-system.23_umc-service-create-user fails in German AD member mode setup 2016-10-05
37289 UCS Test General gohmann VERI FIXE Jenkins jobs for various AD member setups 2020-10-12
51647 UCS AD Conne requate CLOS FIXE No synchronisation of mail/mailPrimaryAddress to UCS LDAP from AD anymore 2020-10-12
5 bugs found.
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