Sat Sep 28 2024 23:18:26 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
38792 UCS Test Mail troeder NEW --- Test shared IMAP folder feature with Dovecot 2016-10-05
34839 UCS Mail - D troeder CLOS FIXE Dovecot as alternative to cyrus 2015-07-10
38471 UCS Mail - D troeder CLOS FIXE Enable shared IMAP folder feature with Dovecot 2015-07-09
38472 UCS Mail - D troeder CLOS FIXE Support ACLs for shared IMAP folders with Dovecot 2015-07-09
38600 UCS Test Mail troeder CLOS FIXE IMAP ACL tests 2023-03-25
38791 UCS Mail - D troeder CLOS FIXE dovecot: behaviour of user listener and shared folder listener upon change of mailPrimaryAddress 2015-07-09
39477 UCS Mail troeder CLOS FIXE Failed UCS 4.1 mailserver tests 2015-11-17
7 bugs found.
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