Sun Sep 29 2024 00:25:55 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
48647 UCS@scho Ucsschoo brodersen CLOS FIXE Add ucsschoolRole to OU-specific groups (fixup for new schools) 2019-03-12
48226 UCS@scho General schwiegert CLOS FIXE Migrate all objects to provide role attribute 2019-03-12
48245 UCS@scho Import s schwiegert CLOS FIXE UCS@school role attribute: 'SchoolDCSlave' object does not support item assignment 2018-12-12
48252 UCS@scho Import s schwiegert CLOS DUPL Add ucsschoolRole to OU-specific groups 2019-03-12
48428 UCS@scho Ucsschoo schwiegert CLOS FIXE WorkGroupShare and ClassShare do not differ 2019-03-12
45379 UCS@scho General troeder CLOS FIXE provide role attribute for all UCS@school objects 2018-11-30
48678 UCS@scho ucs-test troeder CLOS FIXE old legacy import doesn't set ucsschool_role attribute 2019-03-12
48611 UCS@scho General ucsschool-maintainers CLOS WONT Roleshares don't get ucsschoolRole attribute 2023-06-12
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