Sat Sep 28 2024 00:41:19 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
45021 UCS@scho HTTP-API troeder RESO FIXE [RESTful Import API] Python-API & HTTP-API documentation 2020-07-14
45019 UCS@scho HTTP-API troeder CLOS FIXE Metabug: Manage UCS@school import through RESTful API 2021-06-16
45024 UCS@scho HTTP-API troeder CLOS FIXE [RESTful Import API] server implementation 2021-06-03
45844 UCS@scho HTTP-API troeder CLOS FIXE [MVP] Metabug: Manage UCS@school import through Web API 2017-12-21
46832 UCS@scho HTTP-API troeder CLOS FIXE [4.2] model resource to make available import permissions / roles readable 2018-07-04
47118 UCS@scho HTTP-API troeder CLOS FIXE [4.2] HTTP-API import: backport 4.3-changes for ease of source code maintenance 2018-07-04
47683 UCS@scho HTTP-API troeder CLOS FIXE [4.3] use separate unprivileged LDAP account on each backup 2018-09-11
7 bugs found.
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