Sun Sep 29 2024 00:35:34 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
49945 UCS Samba samba-maintainers RESO WONT Mis-spelling error in services/univention-samba/ 2024-06-27
49997 UCS Samba samba-maintainers RESO DUPL 53_samba-common/60_local_config failed 2019-08-12
49944 UCS X.Org ucs-maintainers RESO WONT Errors in desktop/univention-kdm/themes/ucs/ucs.xml 2024-06-27
49799 UCS Docker brodersen CLOS FIXE univention-upgrade aborts in docker container because apt-get update fails to open a file 2019-08-22
49800 UCS Docker wiesenthal CLOS FIXE univention-upgrade to 4.3-2 aborts in docker container because stunnel4 configure fails 2023-03-25
5 bugs found.
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