Mon Jul 1 2024 10:25:29 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
43691 UCS General ucs-maintainers NEW --- Convert legacy SysV init scripts to systemd service units 2023-12-07
52828 UCS DHCP brodersen CLOS FIXE Can't open lease database /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases: No such file or directory 2021-05-25
52885 UCS DHCP brodersen CLOS FIXE Upgrade to UCS 5.0 failed due to univention-dhcp 2021-05-25
43330 UCS General hahn CLOS FIXE UCS-4.2 with systemd 2020-12-01
52448 UCS General hahn CLOS FIXE Remove univention-runit 2021-05-25
53175 UCS DHCP hahn CLOS FIXE univention-dhcp fails to install after initial join on non-primary 2021-05-25
43686 UCS Listener lobinger CLOS FIXE Convert UDL from runit to systemd 2021-05-25
43688 UCS DHCP lobinger CLOS FIXE Convert DHCP from runit to systemd 2021-05-25
8 bugs found.
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