Sat Sep 28 2024 20:59:06 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
47267 UCS Update - ucs-maintainers RESO WONT path of UCRV repository/online/component/*/server is ignored 2022-08-08
31006 UCS Update - hahn CLOS FIXE InvalidURL: nonnumeric port 2015-11-17
55561 UCS Test Updater hahn CLOS FIXE 09_updater/18proxy-special: proxy/http used for https 2023-01-25
55044 UCS Update - stoll.extern CLOS FIXE UCRV repository/online/component/$comp/server=https://… disables username,password,prefix 2024-09-02
55636 UCS Update - stoll.extern CLOS FIXE Updater does not take the url prefix specified in UCRV repository/online/component/$comp/server 2023-03-01
5 bugs found.
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