Sat Sep 28 2024 10:23:49 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
54791 UCS S4 Conne bremer CLOS FIXE School replica join: 97univention-s4-connector.inst DNS configuration times out in big environments 2024-09-02
55218 UCS S4 Conne bremer CLOS FIXE School replica join: No speed increase by fix in Bug #54791 in domains where S4 is installed on the school primary 2023-03-14
55880 UCS S4 Conne requate CLOS FIXE School replica join: 98univention-samba4-dns.inst waits for replicated dns-(hostname) entry in samba 2023-05-24
55877 UCS S4 Conne samba-maintainers CLOS FIXE School replica join: 98univention-samba4-dns.inst waits for replicated dns-(hostname) entry in samba [4.4] 2024-09-02
4 bugs found.
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