Sat Sep 21 2024 03:23:27 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
44297 UCS@scho Proxy se ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- remove backing files cleanup script of squidguard 2020-07-09
50690 UCS@scho Proxy se ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- Remove 'dhcpd/authoritative=yes' from ucs-school-webproxy.postinst? 2020-01-07
51115 UCS@scho Proxy se ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- With apache2/force_https=yes Automated Proxy Setting Do Not Work 2024-09-10
51750 UCS@scho Proxy se ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- Enhance/Replace Proxy filtering with DNS blocklist 2020-08-11
56037 UCS@scho Proxy se ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- UMC module for creating whitelists bypassing the proxy 2023-05-26
57445 UCS@scho Proxy se ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- Squid kerberos authentication is not working on hostnames containing capital letters 2024-07-15
6 bugs found.
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