Sat Sep 21 2024 00:13:59 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
55891 UCS@scho Samba 4 samba-maintainers NEW --- gc._msdcs record wrong on school servers 2023-03-20
50808 UCS@scho Samba 4 samba-maintainers NEW --- No ucsschoolRole attribute at windows computers 2020-02-10
47380 UCS@scho Samba 4 samba-maintainers NEW --- S4 rejects because of SID violation between Group and DNS account 2023-06-12
51679 UCS@scho Samba 4 samba-maintainers NEW --- S4-Connector sync to ucs: reject for CN=PSPs and CN=Managed Service Accounts 2020-07-16
50640 UCS@scho Samba 4 samba-maintainers NEW --- S4-Connector sync to ucs: unable to sync CN=PSPs and CN=Managed Service Accounts - objects are currently locked 2020-07-16
50358 UCS@scho Samba 4 samba-maintainers NEW --- samba-tool dbcheck issues after installing school slave 2023-04-24
56021 UCS@scho Samba 4 samba-maintainers NEW --- Situation unclear: Can GPOs for wireless devices (IEEE80211) be managed from School-replica servers? 2023-06-08
47440 UCS@scho Samba 4 samba-maintainers NEW --- UCS@school Slave: Temporary reject for join-slave and join-backup 2020-12-01
46706 UCS@scho Samba 4 samba-maintainers NEW --- UMC diagnose: Well known SID's for krbtgt and guest not found 2024-04-17
9 bugs found.
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