Tue Oct 8 2024 02:24:11 CEST
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45 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
53789 UCS Test UDM best NEW --- UCSTestUDM.create_with_defaults() 2021-09-16
34416 UCS Test UDM hupertz NEW --- Increase performance of ldap_verify_object() 2016-10-05
55437 UCS Test UDM ivan.delgado NEW --- Create a performance test to measure the response time of the UDM REST API 2023-07-25
31338 UCS Test UDM maier NEW --- Selenium Login Test 2016-10-05
16469 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Erweitern von UCS-Test um weitere Tests zur UDM-CLI bzgl. Containern 2018-04-13
19201 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- group.lib verwendet nscd -i group für Entfernen eines Nutzers aus einer Gruppe 2018-04-13
19382 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- UDM-Syntax überschreiben 2018-04-13
19568 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Benutzerkonten Tests automatisieren 2018-04-13
21728 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- UDM Web Test per Selenium 2018-04-13
21729 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- computers/computer: Prüfen ob Rechnerobjekte auch Mitglieder (uniqueMember, memberUid) ihrer primären Gruppe werden 2018-04-13
27112 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- sambaRID direkt ändern 2018-04-13
31326 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- users/groups renaming test from s4connector should also run on DCs without S4C 2018-04-13
31830 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- ucs-test cases related trustaccounts 2018-04-13
38312 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 72_udm-extensions.06_register_with_non_join_accounts - Can't contact LDAP server 2018-04-13
39809 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 61_udm-users.26_password_expire_date.test test case failed 2018-04-13
40175 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 60_umc-system/41_umc-service-complete-domain-rejoin does not wait for join to complete 2018-04-13
40176 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 90_univention-dnsedit fails on master-ip6 and backup-ip6-configurations 2018-04-13
40236 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 72_udm-extensions.40_test_udm_hook.test failed in jenkins 2023-01-12
40372 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 62_udm-groups.09_rename_a_nestedGroup.test failed in jenkins 2018-04-13
41573 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test for update of sambaPwdLastSet during machine password rotation 2018-04-13
41737 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 72_udm-extensions.07_register_and_verify_all.test failed in jenkins 2018-04-13
41738 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 72_udm-extensions.43_test_update-python-modules.test in jenkins 2018-04-13
42933 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 38_extended_attribute_boolean_syntax is flaky 2018-04-13
44852 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 62_udm-groups.24_group_different_case.test failed in jenkins 2018-04-13
46472 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 66_udm-computers.22_all_roles_modification_append_and_remove_groups.test failed in jenkins 2018-04-13
47721 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 61_udm-users.37_user_modification_set_deactivation_and_locked fails in 4.3-2 AutotestJoin 2018-09-04
47723 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 62_udm-groups.20_group_removal in 4.3-2 AutotestJoin 2018-09-04
47726 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 66_udm-computers.55_nameserver_update_in_zone_on_delete AutotestJoin 2018-09-04
47727 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 67_udm-dns.60_dns_ptr_modification_set_record fails in 4.3-2 AutotestJoin 2018-09-04
47728 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 67_udm-dns.63_dns_ptr_modification_remove_records fails in 4.3-2 AutotestJoin 2018-09-04
47730 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 67_udm-dns.107_dns_ns_record_check_resolve fails in 4.3-2 AutotestJoin 2018-09-04
47742 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 67_udm-dns.69_dns_forward_zone_modification_remove_mx.test fails in 4.3-2 AutotestUpgrade 2018-09-04
47743 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 68_udm-extendedattribute.32_extented_attribute_ldap_pre_modify_hook.test fails in 4.3-2 AutotestUpgrade 2018-09-04
47748 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Wait for replication (including drs) option for udm write operations 2019-05-03
48952 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 69_udm-syntax.20_ucrwidget.test fails in 4.4 2019-03-11
49084 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 66_udm-computers.01_all_roles_removal.test failed in jenkins 2019-03-26
49090 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 62_udm-groups.11_remove_user_which_is_group_member.test failed in jenkins 2019-03-26
49537 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 66_udm-computers.54_concurrent_rename_and_group_change.master101 failed in jenkins 2019-05-23
49538 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 63_udm-containers.14_container_cn_recursive_relocation_with_special_characters.master121 failed in jenkins 2021-09-13
49539 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Test 61_udm-users.12_user_creation_with_username_already_in_use.master121 failed in jenkins 2019-05-23
50427 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 49_nfs/10many-groups runs after 1 hour into timeout 2019-10-29
53776 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- 63_udm-containers.01_test_udm_containers.Test_ContainerCN.test_container_cn_rename_uppercase_rollback_with_special_characters broken for umlauts 2021-09-15
53850 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers NEW --- Flaky 66_udm-computers//58_removal_of_leftover_ptr_record_with_multiple_ip_addresses - probably S4C 2021-09-29
35275 UCS Test UDM gohmann NEED --- Test 72_udm-extensions.22_listener_version_change.test failed in jenkins 2016-10-05
40218 UCS Test UDM umc-maintainers REOP --- Test 01_base.01_ignore_synced_users_in_license_count.test failed in jenkins 2018-04-13
45 bugs found.
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