Votes Bug # Summary
UCS (bug list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per bug in this product.)
2 44469 univention-certificate should allow additional/custom subjectAltName (Show Votes)
2 44639 Include DNS Alias in SSL Certificate (Show Votes)
2 45346 [gapps] allow any of the registered domains for email addresses (Show Votes)
2 45347 [gapps] option to disable (not delete) gapps user, when ucs user is deleted (Show Votes)
2 47599 G-Suite: "Unexpected type <type 'list'> for item ['', ''] in property []" after adding an e-mail alias (Show Votes)
2 48298 don't set password when modifying azure user (Show Votes)
2 48299 don't set password when modifying google user (Show Votes)
2 49116 values of modified attributes are not part of the information of an object change stored in the Admin Diary (Show Votes)
16 votes used out of 30 allowed.

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