Univention Bugzilla – Bug 40267
italk keys in sysvol dir cause sysvol-sync.sh to fail
Last modified: 2016-01-12 12:31:32 CET
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #40266 +++ Similar issue as bug 39511. +++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #39511 +++ The new ACL check (all files and directories must have acl's set) causes the sysvol-sync.sh to fail if there is a link in the sysvol dir.
all_files_and_dirs_have_acls now only checks the $1/$(ucr get domainname)/Policies directory (if it exists). YAML: univention-samba4.yaml
Ok, works, ucs-test 51_samba4/52replication_sysvol adjusted. Advisory Ok.