Bug 57482 - backchannel logout does not work if umc/http/processes > 1
backchannel logout does not work if umc/http/processes > 1
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: OpenID Connect
UCS 5.0
Other Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: UCS 5.0-8-errata
Assigned To: Marius Meschter
Julia Bremer
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Reported: 2024-07-30 14:52 CEST by Tim Breidenbach
Modified: 2024-09-04 17:51 CEST (History)
4 users (show)

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What kind of report is it?: Bug Report
What type of bug is this?: 5: Major Usability: Impairs usability in key scenarios
Who will be affected by this bug?: 1: Will affect a very few installed domains
How will those affected feel about the bug?: 3: A User would likely not purchase the product
User Pain: 0.086
Enterprise Customer affected?: Yes
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Flags outvoted (downgraded) after PO Review:
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Bug group (optional): Large environments
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Description Tim Breidenbach univentionstaff 2024-07-30 14:52:12 CEST
UCS: 5.0-8 errata1088

Using oidc the portal logout does not work with multiprocessing.

ucr set umc/http/processes=1 is not what we want but the only option we have for a valid backchannel logout.

We added more debug code and saw empty sessions in the case a backchannel logout is triggered (but we have the session information cause we see that in the login)

30.07.24 13:42:11.423  MAIN        ( ALL     ) : oidc.post:517: backchannel OP logout
30.07.24 13:42:11.426  MAIN        ( ALL     ) : oidc._verify_jwt:268: OIDC JWK-Payload: {'exp': 172233985
1, 'iat': 1722339731, 'jti': 'e7388fa7-8f20-47a2-9016-ec470daccc4b', 'iss': 'https://IDP_FQDN/auth/realms/px', 'aud': 'ucsportaloidc', 'sub': 'b5818e49-7704-4fc4-baca-da974746a849', 'typ': 'Logout',
 'events': {'http://schemas.openid.net/event/backchannel-logout': {}}}
30.07.24 13:42:11.426  MAIN        ( ALL     ) : oidc.post:529: SESSIONS: []
30.07.24 13:42:11.426  MAIN        ( ALL     ) : oidc.post:530: SESSION.session: {}
Comment 1 Marius Meschter univentionstaff 2024-07-30 15:35:23 CEST
In normal UMC multiprocessing, Apache sets a "UMCWEB_ROUTEID" cookie so that the same user will always get the same UMC. However this obviously doesn't work during an OIDC backchannel logout. Keycloak doesn't send any cookies to the UMC, nor does it know of the "UMCWEB_ROUTEID" cookie. The backchannel logout requests then hits any of the UMC processes and most likely not the one where the user has their session.

I also don't currently see any way to make this work easily. Keycloak will obviously not have knowledge of our "UMCWEB_ROUTEID" cookie to include in the request, nor could we make this knowledge available to Keycloak somehow.
Comment 3 Marius Meschter univentionstaff 2024-09-02 17:02:57 CEST
cefb8b73f236 | Bug #57482: add an SQL database for shared session storage

univention-management-console (12.0.34-8)
9df82770425b | feat(umc, univention/ucs#2412): OIDC backchannel logout refresh
cefb8b73f236 | Bug #57482: add an SQL database for shared session storage

cefb8b73f236 | Bug #57482: add an SQL database for shared session storage

univention-ldap (16.0.16-3)
9df82770425b | feat(umc, univention/ucs#2412): OIDC backchannel logout refresh
cefb8b73f236 | Bug #57482: add an SQL database for shared session storage

ucs-test (10.0.22-64)
9df82770425b | feat(umc, univention/ucs#2412): OIDC backchannel logout refresh
cefb8b73f236 | Bug #57482: add an SQL database for shared session storage

    The OIDC backchannel logout can hit any of the UMCs if multiprocessing
    is configured. This commit introduces a persistent storage for sessions
    between UMC processes.

    Currently only the sessionId and various relevant OIDC token claims are
    saved. This makes it not possible to use sessions between multiple UMC
    processes but rather just adds the ability for other UMC processes to
    delete the sessions of others.

    Also add a test that tests OIDC backchannel logout with multiprocessing

    This also makes automatic portal refresh work with OIDC
    backchannel logout. For now this works by using Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY.

    This feature currently only works if Postgres is the configured session
    database for UMC. If any other database is used the automatic refresh
    won't work, however OIDC backchannel logout will continue to work.
Comment 4 Julia Bremer univentionstaff 2024-09-04 15:35:51 CEST
OK: Shared session storage for backchannel logout and session refresh using postgres
OK: Works on every server role
OK: Non-postgres databases "supported", but if another kind of sql db is used, the portal reload listen feature doesn't work. 
OK: No UMC crashes if no/wrong kind of db is configured
OK: Works across multiple processes/UMC servers which share the same name due to an HA-Proxy
OK: Tool for setting global db settings (univention-management-console-settings)
OK: Keycloak tests
OK: Multi-Env tests
