Bug 52147 - script that verifies the consistency of UCS@school LDAP objects
script that verifies the consistency of UCS@school LDAP objects
Product: UCS@school
Classification: Unclassified
Component: General
UCS@school 4.4
Other Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: UCS@school 4.4 v9
Assigned To: Toni Röhmeyer
Daniel Tröder
: 46738 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 52500 52970 52986 53014
Blocks: 52656
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2020-09-29 09:17 CEST by Daniel Tröder
Modified: 2021-03-30 12:29 CEST (History)
4 users (show)

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What kind of report is it?: Feature Request
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Description Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-09-29 09:17:40 CEST
Create a CLI script that verifies the consistency of all UCS@school LDAP objects.
The CLI should be extensible, so that in a first iteration only user objects are checked.
(See https://help.univention.com/t/how-a-ucs-school-user-should-look-like/15630 for rules for a user object.)

Clone bugs from this one for further objects to check (school classes, workgroups, shares, OUs).

The functions should be implemented in a shared Python module, so that they can be reused by other software. Maybe they should even become part of the ucsschool.lib.models that they check.

In a separate bug, create a system diagnose module, that calls the functions of this script.

The script should offer the possibility to verify the consistency of a single UCS@school LDAP object, passed by DN.
Comment 1 Sönke Schwardt-Krummrich univentionstaff 2020-09-30 10:49:58 CEST
CLI script is good. Maybe a diagnosis module would be a good idea. There are already some checks which may be extended.
Comment 2 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-10-01 08:27:08 CEST
(In reply to Daniel Tröder from comment #0)
> In a separate bug, create a system diagnose module, that calls the functions
> of this script.
Comment 3 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-10-27 09:49:41 CET
The script should offer an option to check only objects below a given school (OU).
Comment 4 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-10-27 09:52:59 CET
*** Bug 46738 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Toni Röhmeyer univentionstaff 2020-11-11 20:06:42 CET
Added script on feature branch troehmey/bug52147_object_consistency_script:

46dc80a3d Bug #52147: added check for user in classes
639165b22 Bug #52147: added shares check
c575ccb10 Bug #52147: added group check, improved user role check
4388e5e33 Bug #52147: wrote script for checking consistency of all users

It can be executed without any parameters for checking all LDAP objects.
With --school the checks will only be executed for the given schoool.
With --userdn the user check is only applied for the given dn.

At first it checks all users if it matches all requirements specified here:
That includes checking...
- if the ObjectClass and ucsschoolRole is correctly set
- if the user is member of all required groups
- is the user is not member in a group where it does not belong to
- if users in a school class have a corresponding OU in the school property set

Afterwards it checks all groups for these requirements:
- for each school these groups must exist:
  - cn=Domain Users $OU,ou=$OU,$LDAP-BASE
  - groups which are specified in https://docs.software-univention.de/ucsschool-handbuch-4.4.html#structure:ldap:ou

Finally it checks all share object for the following requirements:
- for each class-share a corresponding class must exist
- for each school a corresponding Marktplatz must exist
Comment 6 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-11-20 15:46:36 CET
The firstname and lastname attributes must be set for a school user.
I have added this to the help article.
* Please also verify those attributes for the user objects.

* encoding comment should be utf-8
* comment is copy and paste error:
    # UCS@school lib"
    #  module: Create role specific shares
  also such a description should be a docstring on the module level
* The copyright notice starts with 2014, but the script is from this year.

* sys and traceback imported but unused. Please use flake8 or similar to check your code.

# flake8 --isolated --max-line-length=105 ucs-school-object-consistency
ucs-school-object-consistency:35:1: F401 'sys' imported but unused
ucs-school-object-consistency:36:1: F401 'traceback' imported but unused
ucs-school-object-consistency:109:5: F841 local variable 'admins_regex' is assigned to but never used
ucs-school-object-consistency:156:9: E722 do not use bare 'except'
ucs-school-object-consistency:190:20: E713 test for membership should be 'not in'
ucs-school-object-consistency:302:5: F841 local variable 'ldap_base' is assigned to but never used
ucs-school-object-consistency:315:5: F841 local variable 'issues' is assigned to but never used

* Please don't use OptionParser. Use Argparse or Click.

* The help texts for the options of the script don't explain a) what effect using them has and b) what allowed values are

* In main() a UCR instance is created but not used.

* The variable named "arg_binddn" doesn't match its content. a) an argument does not need to be prefixed with "arg(ument)" - it is already an argument; b) a "bind DN" is the name of an object (usually a user object) in LDAP that is used to authenticate, when opening a connection to LDAP. What you really have here is the DN of a OU or school below which the LDAP search will be done. For LDAP searches that is called the "base". So the variable name should reflect that.

* /unallowed/disallowed/

As a structure for the software I suggest to have a check_user() function, that takes a single DN and verifies that user account. Then have another function that collects all DNs that should be checked (possibly only 1 from the command line) and call that function. (The regex should then be compiled at import time at the top of the module or in a class, so that it isn't done inside a loop.)
Comment 7 Toni Röhmeyer univentionstaff 2020-11-26 15:19:03 CET
Fixed mentioned issues with commit
762e57be8 Bug #52147: restructured code; enable giving multiple users as argument
on branch troehmey/bug52147_object_consistency_script

Now more than one user can be specified as command line arguments.
Comment 8 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-11-27 13:39:22 CET
Great changes!

Still a few things in the code review:

* #  This module check the constistency of USC@school users, shares and groups
→ """
→ This module checks the consistency of UCS@school users, shares and groups
→ """

* "The container %s does not exist." % marktplatz_share
  → "The 'Marktplatz' share of school %r does not exist." % (ou,)

* The group regex are good, but they can be made more strict (more validation) like this:
self.teachers_regex = re.compile(
    r"cn={}-(?P<ou>[^,]+?),cn=groups,ou=(?P=ou),{}".format(container_teachers, ldap_base),
This will validate that the value for "ou" is the same in both the cn and the ou part.

As a side effect the value of "ou" will be accessible like this:
    m := self.teachers_regex.match(dn):
    ou = m.groupdict()["ou"]

* string formatting: in »"... %s" % (var)« the parenthesis are either redundant or better: it must be a tuple: »(var,)«

* LDAP filters must be escaped, when receiving external input (cmdline):
from ldap.filter import filter_format
lo.search(filter=filter_format('...(ucsschoolSchool=%s)...', (school,))

* change the signature of the following function:
def check_allowed_membership(self, group_dn, **kwargs):
    classes = {"students": False, "teachers": False, "staff": False, "teachers_and_staff": False}
    for cls in classes:
        if cls in kwargs:
            classes[cls] = kwargs[cls]
    if self.students_regex.match(group_dn) and not classes["students"]:
------------------------ to ------------------------
def check_allowed_membership(self, group_dn, students=False, teachers=False, staff=False, teachers_and_staff=False):
    if self.students_regex.match(group_dn) and not students:

* Also add a docstring that explains what the function does (what it validates), and not the possible values of the arguments.
If you want to describe argument values, please use static type annotations (see https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cheat_sheet.html):
    # type: (str, Optional[bool], Optional[bool], Optional[bool], Optional[bool]) -> List[str]

Regarding imports for "typing", see other school code.

* check_user() shouldn't return a dict containing a single key/value pair with the DN it got passed as argument. The caller knows it. It can simply return the list of issues.

* change the signature:
def check_user(self, user_from_ldap):
    dn, attrs = user_from_ldap
    return problematic_objects


for user in users_from_ldap:
---------------------- to ---------------------------
def check_user(self, dn, attrs):
    return issues


for dn, attrs in users_from_ldap:
    user_problematic_objects[dn] = user_check.check_user(dn, attrs)

* line 180: returning {} means a WrongObjectType exception is OK

* line 184: this can never happen. all LDAP objects have an objectClass. furthermore that case would be handled in line 187.

* line 284: except for "cn=Domain Users $OU,..." all DNs in "mandatory_groups" are containers - not groups. The variable name suggests otherwise.
→→→ Please create a separate function »check_containers()« that verifies this list (except for "Domain Users $OU"). The containers are documented in "Struktur einer UCS@school-OU" (https://docs.software-univention.de/ucsschool-handbuch-4.4.html#structure:ldap:ou).
→→→ Add the groups documented in "Weitere UCS@school-Objekte" (https://docs.software-univention.de/ucsschool-handbuch-4.4.html#structure:ldap:global) to the list instead ($OU-DC-Edukativnetz, .., $OU-Klassenarbeit, admins-$OU).
→→→ Also test the global groups (not per OU) documented in the same manual chapter: DC-Edukativnetz, ..

* line 300: lo.searchDn(base=search_base.schoolDN) is a list of all DNs in a OU.

* lines 300-303: simply look for the existence of those exact DNs in "mandatory_groups" with try: lo.searchDn(base=mandatory_group) except NO_SUCH_OBJECT: issues.append("...")

* line 261 and 305:
for issue in issues:
    problematic_objects.setdefault(search_base.schoolDN, []).append(issue)
------------- to -----------
problematic_objects[search_base.schoolDN] = issues

* line 333: "container" → "share"
* line 338: brackets not needed in »(dn, attrs)«
Comment 9 Toni Röhmeyer univentionstaff 2020-12-01 16:22:37 CET
Applied fixes suggested in comment #8 with

170a34a8b Bug #52147: seperate container and group check; several fixes
on branch troehmey/bug52147_object_consistency_script
Comment 10 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-12-09 16:59:54 CET
String formatting with '%' is done with a tuple on the right side.

issues.append("Admin should not be in a students group %s" % (group_dn),)
-------------- should be -------------------
issues.append("Admin should not be in a students group %s" % (group_dn,))
Comment 11 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-12-09 17:10:14 CET
  - User does not have UCS@School Role student:school:Gym21
root@m20:/sync/ucs-school-metapackage# univention-ldapsearch -LLL uid=exam-urs ucsschoolRole
dn: uid=exam-urs,cn=examusers,ou=Gym21,dc=uni,dc=dtr
ucsschoolRole: exam_user:exam:exam07-Gym21
ucsschoolRole: exam_user:school:Gym21

the ucsschool_role for exam users is "ucsschool.lib.roles.role_exam_user" → "exam_user". If an exam-user exists, its role should include "exam_user:school:*". '*', because the OU is the one in which the exam is taking place. It can be any of the schools the user is a member of.
Comment 12 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-12-10 08:08:07 CET
I think the last sentence was confusing…
If exam-users "(&(objectClass=ucsschoolStudent)(objectClass=ucsschoolExam))" are encountered they should have at least one role:
ucsschoolRole: exam_user:school:<one of the users schools>

Currently they should have one or more:
ucsschoolRole: exam_user:exam:<exam-id>
But that can be ignored, as exam-users will in the future be "recycled", and will thus exist without a running exam.
Comment 13 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-12-10 08:13:12 CET
Please add a ucs-test that
* creates an OU
* deletes/modifies objects in it
* runs the script
* verifies in the scripts captured output, that all errors are caught

BTW: I noticed, thanks to this script, that the test-OUs that we create in our test suite lack the mandatory container cn=examusers,ou=$OU,$ldap_base.
Comment 14 Toni Röhmeyer univentionstaff 2020-12-13 16:25:31 CET
Fixed issues mentioned in comment #10 and comment #11 with commit

23f3ca0c8 Bug #52147: use format() function; handle exam users correctly

A ucs-test as suggested in comment #13 is still to do.
Comment 15 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-12-14 17:34:10 CET
OK: code changes
OK: manual tests

I have squash all commits into 1 and merged it into '4.4':

[4.4] c5019858b Bug #52147: script to check the consistency of user, group, container and share objects

Please build the package and write the advisory.
Comment 16 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-12-15 13:52:00 CET
The script is not part of the Debian package ucs-school-umc-diagnostic (1.0.0-16A~
Comment 17 Toni Röhmeyer univentionstaff 2020-12-15 14:25:47 CET
Added the script to package with 

41873d6b6 Bug #52147: update yaml
c23801833 Bug #52147: add consistency script to debian package; changelog

Successful build:
Package: ucs-school-umc-diagnostic
Version: 1.0.0-17A~
Branch: ucs_4.4-0
Scope: ucs-school-4.4
Comment 18 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-12-15 16:00:35 CET
OK: script is installed as /usr/share/ucs-school-umc-diagnostic/scripts/ucs-school-object-consistency
Comment 19 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2020-12-23 13:47:53 CET
Script is not automatically executed as diagnose module, so the package can be released.
Comment 20 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2021-01-05 09:55:54 CET
The script expects users of the role "teacher and staff" to be in a group "lehrer und mitarbeiter-$OU" which doesn't exist.
It complains about them being in "lehrer-$OU" and "mitarbeiter-$OU", but that is correct.

The following USER PROBLEMS were found:

  uid=lehrmitarb,cn=lehrer und mitarbeiter,cn=users,ou=Gym21,dc=uni,dc=dtr
  - Not member of group cn=lehrer und mitarbeiter-gym21,cn=groups,ou=Gym21,dc=uni,dc=dtr
  - Disallowed member of teachers group cn=lehrer-gym21,cn=groups,ou=Gym21,dc=uni,dc=dtr.
  - Disallowed member of staff group cn=mitarbeiter-gym21,cn=groups,ou=Gym21,dc=uni,dc=dtr.

Users of the role "teacher and staff" have all the properties of both teachers and staff, including their groups, ucsschool_roles and options/objectClasses.
Comment 21 Toni Röhmeyer univentionstaff 2021-01-05 16:28:45 CET
Fixed the issue from comment #20 with commit

9ec7ca76b Bug #52147: fixed teacher_and_staff group check
Comment 22 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2021-01-06 10:37:42 CET
A user with the role "teacher and staff" must be in BOTH "lehrer-$OU" and "mitarbeiter-$OU".
  uid=lehrmitarb,cn=lehrer und mitarbeiter,cn=users,ou=Gym21,dc=uni,dc=dtr
  - Disallowed member of staff group cn=mitarbeiter-gym21,cn=groups,ou=Gym21,dc=uni,dc=dtr.
  - Disallowed member of teachers group cn=lehrer-gym21,cn=groups,ou=Gym21,dc=uni,dc=dtr.
Comment 23 Toni Röhmeyer univentionstaff 2021-01-06 13:58:10 CET
I'm sorry, I somehow missed that during my testing.
This commit should fix this:
c004d3145 Bug #52147: Fixed error in consistency script
Comment 24 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2021-01-08 10:55:36 CET
Thanks, looks good  now.
I'll wait for Bug 52500 before I verify this.
Comment 25 Toni Röhmeyer univentionstaff 2021-01-08 13:26:03 CET
I wrote a help article (I'm open for improvements) on school classes and work groups, which can be taken as a reference when the consistency reveals some problems:

This article together with the following links may help the customer and developers with the troubleshooting:
Comment 26 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2021-01-11 16:09:07 CET
(In reply to Toni Röhmeyer from comment #25)
> I wrote a help article (I'm open for improvements) on school classes and
> work groups, which can be taken as a reference when the consistency reveals
> some problems:
> https://help.univention.com/t/ucs-school-work-groups-and-school-classes/16925
Thank you.
I have redacted it. Please review my changes and improve on them where you see fit.
Comment 27 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2021-03-22 12:58:49 CET
OK: code changes
I merged and build it in 4.4, advisories.
Comment 28 Toni Röhmeyer univentionstaff 2021-03-23 15:24:27 CET
Failed jenkins test should be fixed with:

da19c8950 Bug #52147: updated version
4a82ecb7f Bug #52147: fixed consistency ucs-test
(on 4.4)


successful builds:
Package: ucs-school-lib
Version: 12.2.17A~
Branch: ucs_4.4-0
Scope: ucs-school-4.4

Package: ucs-test-ucsschool
Version: 6.0.200A~
Branch: ucs_4.4-0
Scope: ucs-school-4.4
Comment 29 Tobias Wenzel univentionstaff 2021-03-24 14:08:31 CET
UCS@school 4.4 v9 has been released.


If this error occurs again, please clone this bug.