Sun Sep 29 2024 00:02:01 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
36740 UCS UMC - Ap umc-maintainers RESO DUPL App Center module does not center on installation progress with small resolutions 2014-11-17
39908 UCS UMC - Ap umc-maintainers RESO DUPL Progressbar misplaced during installation of docker apps 2015-11-12
40251 UCS UMC (Gen umc-maintainers RESO DUPL Progress bar during change of network settings is not visible on smaller screens 2015-12-15
42280 UCS UMC - Ap umc-maintainers RESO DUPL App Center installation progress should be displayed in the middle of the screen 2016-09-22
4 bugs found.
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