Sun Sep 29 2024 00:51:57 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
41644 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Subtle problems after /etc/init.d/samba restart 2016-09-29
42624 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Samba 4.5 for UCS 4.1-4 2017-04-24
44963 UCS Samba4 mai CLOS WONT Samba Kerberos: Bad request for constrained delegation 2023-03-25
39633 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE ProvisioningError with 'samba-tool ntacl sysvolcheck' 2016-11-08
42679 UCS Samba requate CLOS FIXE Removed parameters in smb.conf are still configurable in UCS 2016-11-08
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