Sun Sep 29 2024 00:18:12 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
56830 UCS UMC - Re umc-maintainers RESO MOVE univention-repository-create doesn't use correct scheme for repository/online/server 2024-03-08
55981 UCS UCR best VERI FIXE Enable UCR type checking by default 2024-03-08
55726 UCS Apache best CLOS FIXE UCRV umc/http/processes is set and apache.service dont start since update to UCS 5.0-3 2023-02-23
55554 UCS UCR hahn CLOS FIXE Move UCR defaults from postinst to default definition 2023-04-18
55753 UCS UMC (Gen hahn CLOS FIXE UMC-web-server killed on upgrade 2023-06-27
55685 UCS Mail westphal CLOS FIXE UCR Type for mail/antispam/requiredhits "int" is wrong, needs to allow real numbers 2023-07-12
6 bugs found.
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