Sun Sep 29 2024 01:24:57 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
50080 UCS UDM - Ex umc-maintainers RESO WONT Handle name conflicts between extended attributes and existing UDM property 2024-06-27
56528 UCS UMC - Us janssen VERI FIXE make migration of users/user property "country" mapping to LDAP attribute "st" (state) required for the UCS 5.1 upgrade 2024-03-08
49092 UCS S4 Conne best CLOS FIXE S4-Connector: Synchronize more attributes 2020-08-04
49008 UCS S4 Conne bremer CLOS FIXE Add employeeNumber to S4 Connector mapping 2019-08-22
50033 UCS S4 Conne bremer CLOS FIXE S4-Connector: Synchronize c,st,initials, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, postOfficeBox, preferredLanguage starting in UCS 4.4-2 2023-09-05
50073 UCS UMC - Us janssen CLOS FIXE users/user property "country" is mapped to LDAP attribute "st" (state) instead of "c" (country) 2023-09-05
6 bugs found.
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