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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity OS Target Milestone Summary
10471 2 0 ZZZ - Trash - Scalix for UCS normal Linux --- Scalix Weboberflächen nach Änderungen mit univention-system-setup-basis nicht mehr verfügbar
19733 6 0 Virtualisation / UVMM normal Linux UCS 3.x Interne Xen-Doku
15604 2 0 Virtualisation / UVMM enhancement All --- Zeitquellen bei Virtualisierung
43613 2 0 Update - univention-updater normal Linux --- univention-updater should not remove univention-server packages
54099 2 0 Update - Repository administration normal Linux --- apt / updater: The repository 'https://updates.software-univention.de ucs500 Release' no longer has a Release file
16426 2 0 Update - Release updates normal Linux --- sed-fehler beim update von cyrus-common-2.2
49103 2 0 Univention Domain Join (Ubuntu) normal Linux --- Univention Domain Join crashes if NetworkManager is not installed (e.g. servers and Ubuntu ≥ 18.04)
39290 2 0 UMC - Wizards normal Linux UCS@school 4.0.x ValidationError not handled by schoolwizards
36801 2 0 UMC - Users enhancement Linux --- Add syntax check for home drive and home share
34473 2 0 UMC - Users normal Linux UCS 3.2-x Don't list non-samba groups in primary group fields of a samba user
8683 2 0 UMC - Shares normal Linux UCS 2.x Zwei 'Name'-Attribute an Freigabeobjekten
41060 2 0 UMC - Setup wizard normal Linux --- Prevent to start second configuration in setup wizard
43858 2 0 UMC - Policies normal Linux --- Test case 60_umc/04_udm_policies fails in UCS 4.2
37936 2 0 UMC - Policies normal Linux UCS 4.0-x Repository-Synchronisation and maintenance policy values not displayed by UMC
31746 2 0 UMC - Policies minor Linux UCS 3.x Syntax for password expiry in password policy should be limited
45052 2 0 UMC - Groups normal Linux --- user should not be removeable from its primary group
43005 2 0 UMC - Groups normal Linux --- UDM allows to add arbitrary invalid DNs as group member
44735 4 0 UMC - Domain management (Generic) normal Linux --- ldapError: LDAP connection invalid
38789 4 0 UMC - Domain management (Generic) normal Linux UCS 4.0-x UDM not usable on DC backup if master is down
36541 4 0 UMC - Domain management (Generic) normal Linux UCS 4.1-x Standby animation and progress bar not visible if page is too large

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What are "Most Frequently Reported Bugs"?

The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into Univention Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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