Bug 55715 - (ucs520jenkins) UCS 5.2-0 Jenkins tests
UCS 5.2-0 Jenkins tests
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: General
UCS 5.1
All other
: P5 normal (vote)
: UCS 5.1
Assigned To: Philipp Hahn
UCS maintainers
Depends on: 55707 55712
Blocks: ucs520meta ucs520images ucs520ec2
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2023-02-16 14:19 CET by Philipp Hahn
Modified: 2024-03-08 11:09 CET (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
What kind of report is it?: Release Management
What type of bug is this?: ---
Who will be affected by this bug?: ---
How will those affected feel about the bug?: ---
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Description Philipp Hahn univentionstaff 2023-02-16 14:19:19 CET
Seed Jenkins tests for 5.1-0.
4: https://jenkins.knut.univention.de:8181/job/UCS-5.1/job/PublishErrataTest/
5: https://jenkins2022.knut.univention.de/job/UCS-5.1/job/PublishErrataTest/
Re-seed previous releases with `cron` disabled.

QA: Check that `ucs/test/utils/start-test.sh` and `ucs/test/branch-tests/run.sh` are using `release = 5.1-0`
Comment 2 Florian Best univentionstaff 2024-03-08 11:09:04 CET
ucs-test (12.0.7)                                                                                                                                                                                                                     [10/1883]
df0cb996af25 | test(kpasswd): avoid ansi color escape sequences   
ucs-test (12.0.1)                                                                     
215ff30aa4dd | test(docker): adjust UCS versions in docker tests
b4b6872e899f | test(dockertest): Add UCS 5.2 to local appcenter
ucs-test (11.0.9)                                             
4110247cf455 | test(docker): adjust UCS versions in docker tests                       
7861b3032221 | test(docker): transform ucs-appbox tests into tiny_app
7dd2f72b3688 | test(docker): remove ucs-appbox tests
ucs-test (11.0.6)
5c2414bdb741 | Revert "test(mail): partly revert "use systemctl for reloading amavis and postfix""
20a5fc74d64c | test(dockertest): Add UCS 5.1 to local appcenter

ucs-test (11.0.15)
1fde25030c1c | style(grep-traceback): fix indentation of comments

ucs-test (11.0.10)
834c0c905687 | test(grep-traceback): do not ignore all exceptions for now

ucs-test (10.0.20-1)
067ac14242c9 | fix(checks/pkgver): Skip broken version comparison

ucs-test (10.0.16-1)
992982bb53ca | test(docker): transform ucs-appbox tests to tiny_app or remove them

ucs-test (10.0.10-68)
5a2357116063 | test(mail): partly revert "use systemctl for reloading amavis and postfix"

ucs-test (10.0.10-62)
5e6756ec06d7 | test(docker): migrate ucs-appbox image tests to tiny_app
6378d68f24c5 | test(mail): use systemctl for reloading amavis and postfix
a11e51e84bb1 | test(ldap): replace obsolete ldap client -h/-p options with LDAP URI
8c9c4ce80dc3 | test(base): don't do StrictHostKeyChecking in 21ssh_motd

ucs-test (10.0.10-57)
d03e5177f5cc | test(grep-traceback): be future compatible

ucs-test (10.0.10-54)
07ab750a1c92 | test(mail): do not wait for response after sending QUIT
180a3832994a | test(checks): locate path of dockerd dynamically
0c131ef9ed05 | test(grep-traceback): fix grepping traceback in journalctl containing binary data
9df58c8aec62 | test(debian-package): use debhelper-compat = 12
e03eda96d5ab | test(pytest): don't call a pytest fixture
4964be2655e9 | test(lastbind): comment broken assert
0fc95089f218 | test(quota): create xfs filesystems with minimum 300mb
64fbacb567ad | test(udm-rest): install pip packages in virtual env

ucs-test (10.0.10-41)
c91cfa42e2a6 | test(checks): Add Python 3.11 compatibility
7a433a24062b | test(self-service): handle non UTF-8 gracefully
bba0d165497f | test(base): handle non UTF-8 gracefully
49a29e68d291 | test(mail): handle non UTF-8 gracefully
9363512d0bbe | test(mail): Add Python 3.11 compatiblity

ucs-test (10.0.10-40)
9c8160eafbda | test(pytest): prepare for removes message argument of pytest.raises
187f568588b4 | test(selenium); make test compatible with Selenium 4.3.0

2e75990e6b2f | DROPME: ci(jenkins): use old_release for EC2 images
6f70d5adfe31 | fix(test): kvm templates
e6356ffa21d6 | ci(jenkins): make kvm_operating_system configurable
3a7855f7cc3d | ci(jenkins): increase RAM of VMs for testing to 8GB
58699afd24a1 | ci(jenkins): adjust scenarios to call UCS 5.2 preparation functionality
a9182a4e08c3 | ci(jenkins): adjust scenarios to UCS 5.1
a71250dfa07d | ci(jenkins): UCS 5.1
38ea3a38586b | ci(utils): run joinscripts after assert_version (2)
aa4ad4608010 | ci(utils): run joinscripts after assert_version
35c5cf36f7d2 | ci(utils): make it possible to overwrite update mirror via FTP_TEST_REPO