Sat Sep 28 2024 13:41:21 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
47037 UCS Test Docker appcenter-maintainers NEW --- 80_docker/40_app_umc_install_latest_appbox fails with latest 4.3-0 app-box-image on 4.2-4 2018-05-22
48193 UCS Docker appcenter-maintainers RESO WONT Update UCS 4.3-2 appbox docker images 2021-05-14
44468 UCS Docker requate RESO FIXE Create updated UCS docker image 2018-03-14
41182 UCS Mail - H botner CLOS FIXE Update Horde to 5.2.17 2018-08-02
46081 UCS Mail - H botner CLOS DUPL Switching to HTML-Editor to compose mails is broken 2023-03-25
46945 UCS General hahn CLOS FIXE UCS-4.2-4 Meta Bug 2018-05-22
46665 UCS Docker wiesenthal CLOS FIXE fix cron and ifconfig in UCS 4.3-2 appbox docker images 2019-05-28
7 bugs found.
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