Sun Sep 29 2024 00:22:01 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
48668 UCS@scho ucs-test brodersen CLOS FIXE 25_room_management_module fails 2019-03-12
47304 UCS@scho Import s schwardt CLOS FIXE Add possibility to deactivate normalization of firstname and lastname 2019-02-12
48722 UCS@scho General schwiegert CLOS FIXE no Domain Users $OU created when ucsschool/import/attach/policy/default-umc-users=no 2019-03-12
47351 UCS@scho Import s troeder CLOS FIXE Change default of normalization:firstname and normalization:lastname 2019-03-12
48505 UCS@scho Ucsschoo troeder CLOS FIXE 34_import-users_via_python_api fails with ucsschoolRole enabled 2019-03-12
48649 UCS@scho HTTP-API troeder CLOS FIXE ValidationError: Context '54tg0eg3prw' is not supported for this object. Object is not in that school. 2019-03-12
48650 UCS@scho ucs-test troeder CLOS FIXE Adapt ucs-test to changed default of normalization:firstname and normalization:lastname 2023-03-25
48678 UCS@scho ucs-test troeder CLOS FIXE old legacy import doesn't set ucsschool_role attribute 2019-03-12
8 bugs found.
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