Mon Jul 1 2024 08:21:46 CEST
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10 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
49060 UCS General best CLOS FIXE Migrate to Python 3 2022-05-19
49129 UCS General best CLOS FIXE Migrate base/univention-config-registry to dh_python2 2020-04-23
49397 UCS General best CLOS FIXE Cherry-pick python3-m2crypto from buster-backports 2021-05-25
50648 UCS UDM (Gen best CLOS FIXE Migrate univention-directory-manager-modules to Python 3 2021-12-17
51156 UCS UCR best CLOS FIXE fix python 3 compatibility of UCR interfaces 2020-04-29
51996 UCS App Cent best CLOS FIXE Migration univention-appcenter-control script to Python 3 2022-10-06
53513 UCS UDM - RE best CLOS FIXE [4.4] Traceback when fetching OpenAPI schema from UDM REST API 2022-08-17
28497 UCS General hahn CLOS FIXE pycentral → pysupport → dh_python2 2021-03-19
49683 UCS ucslint hahn CLOS FIXE py3: Check debian/*.ucr files for ConfigParser(strict=true) 2020-06-24
51324 UCS UMC (Gen requate CLOS FIXE management/univention-management-console-module-adtakeover: migrate to python3 2021-05-25
10 bugs found.
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