Bug 32246 - Re-join of S4 slave PDC
Re-join of S4 slave PDC
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Samba4
UCS 3.2
Other Linux
: P5 enhancement (vote)
: UCS 3.2-2-errata
Assigned To: Arvid Requate
Stefan Gohmann
: 34021 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 32245
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Reported: 2013-08-15 11:32 CEST by Stefan Gohmann
Modified: 2014-06-05 15:37 CEST (History)
3 users (show)

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requate: Patch_Available+

cleanup_before_provision.patch (372 bytes, patch)
2014-04-24 13:04 CEST, Arvid Requate
Details | Diff

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Description Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2013-08-15 11:32:35 CEST
We should do this in the join script:

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #32245 +++

To re-join a Samba 4 Slave PDC (UCS@school school DC with Samba4) the following steps are necessary before the join can be started:

root@slave42:~# mv /var/lib/samba/private /var/lib/samba/private.BACKUP
root@slave42:~# mkdir -p /var/lib/samba/private
Comment 1 Arvid Requate univentionstaff 2013-08-15 12:28:36 CEST
Actually what happens in this case is a re-provision. In my short test on a plain UCS DC Master samba 4.0.3 handled this fine (somewhat to my positive surprise) even without manually removing the existing sam.ldb. But: the S4 connector listener required a resync in my case, otherwise a lot of objects were missing in Samba4, especially the DNS data.  No idea yet why it works when the samba backend data is removed, maybe UCS@school Slave PDC is different here.
Comment 2 Arvid Requate univentionstaff 2014-04-24 13:04:43 CEST
Created attachment 5882 [details]
Comment 3 Arvid Requate univentionstaff 2014-05-27 15:57:37 CEST
*** Bug 34021 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Arvid Requate univentionstaff 2014-06-03 18:00:05 CEST
Patch applied along with Bug #35000
Advisory: 2014-05-28-univention-samba4.yaml
Comment 5 Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2014-06-05 15:34:54 CEST

Tests: OK

Code: OK
Comment 6 Moritz Muehlenhoff univentionstaff 2014-06-05 15:37:34 CEST