Univention Bugzilla – Bug 33383
Wrong protocol shown when opening printer shares
Last modified: 2014-01-29 11:21:16 CET
When opening an existing printer share in the UMC, protocol is allways set to "cups-pdf" instead of the correct value as stored in LDAP.
Might be a problem with how UMC handles the PrinterURI complex yntax, which consists of a PrinterProcol and a string syntax. Seems to be working in other modules with other syntaxes.
The printer URI used the ComplexInput widget which did not have a setInitialValue method. The printer protocol had a ComboBox widget. When the form values were set, the ComboBox widget did not yet have the possible values loaded from the server (udm/syntax/choices request) when the value was set, so the ComboBox declared the value as invalid. It falled back to the first value (which was cupd-pdf://) when the values were finished loaded. Fixed by adding setInitialValue to ComplexInput which calls setInitialValue for every subtype. YAML: 2013-12-12-univention-management-console-frontend.yaml
OK, works. YAML OK