Univention Bugzilla – Bug 33447
ucs-overview links are generated on install time, issues with appliance setup
Last modified: 2013-12-12 11:31:30 CET
Created attachment 5650 [details] ucs-overview after system setup /w changed fqdn The ucs-overview links containing domain-specific information are generated at install time: The root certificate link in univention-apache.postinst, the 'system and domain settings' link to the umc during univention-management-console-frontend.postinst If the host- and domainname change during system setup, the link-texts are not updated. See attached screenshot: the fqdn was set to ucsmaster.ucs.local during initial setup and changed to master.ucs.test during appliance setup.
This will be corrected in an 3.2 Erratum. For now a hook script in /usr/lib/univention-system-setup/appliance-hooks.d can reset the variables on the appliance image.
The following variables need to be reset in the hook > eval "$(ucr shell)" > ucr set \ > "ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/umc/description=Univention Management Console for administrating the UCS domain $domainname and the system $hostname" \ > "ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/umc/description/de=Univention Management Console für die Verwaltung der UCS-Domäne $domainname und des Systems $hostname" \ > ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/root-certificate/description?"Certificate of the Certification Authority for UCS domain $domainname" \ > ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/root-certificate/description/de?"Zertifikat der Zertifizierungsstelle für die UCS-Domäne $domainname"
UCRV in 08univention-apache.inst need to be set with "=", otherwise the values are not correctly overwritten for a re-join.
A note has been added to the appliance setup information at http://wiki.univention.de/index.php?title=UCS_Appliance to implement the workaround until this bug is fixed.
The links are now generated in the domain-joinscript. This ensures that host- and domain-identifiers match the current settings in case of a domain-rejoin and after completing the appliance setup. The links are now set unconditionally with ucr set UCRV_=_ univention-management-console-frontend 3.0.152-4.801.201311251638 2013-11-22-univention-management-console-frontend.yaml univention-apache 6.0.16-4.193.201311251649 2013-11-22-univention-apache.yaml
please do not increase the version of the join script (the problem is mentioned on http://wiki.univention.de/index.php?title=UCS_Appliance and therefor no broken systems should be out there)
Joinscript version number does not increase with the errata update: r46621 univention-management-console-frontend 3.0.152-6.803.201312101248 r46622 univention-apache 6.0.16-5.194.201312101246 r46623 yaml files updated.
OK - errata3.2-0 OK - 2013-11-22-univention-apache.yaml OK - 2013-11-22-univention-management-console-frontend.yaml