Bug 33495 - duplication of ldap-entries after "udm move"
duplication of ldap-entries after "udm move"
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Listener (univention-directory-listener)
UCS 3.2
Other Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: UCS 3.2-0-errata
Assigned To: Stefan Gohmann
Arvid Requate
Depends on:
Blocks: 33555
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Reported: 2013-11-20 17:31 CET by Janis Meybohm
Modified: 2013-12-12 11:32 CET (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Janis Meybohm univentionstaff 2013-11-20 17:31:31 CET
Ticket#: 2013111421008025
Ticket#: 2013111121001626

Two customers reported duplication (users and computer objects to be more precise) of ldap-entries on one or more DC-Backups after "udm move".
Both customers use larger S4 environments with multiple sites, OU's and more than one DC-Backup (all running S4).

Samba 4 AD is not affected so I assume this is a listener problem, sadly we were not yet able to reproduce this behaviour or catch any nameble logs.
Comment 1 Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2013-11-20 19:36:11 CET
We should also check a backport for UCS 3.1.
Comment 2 Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2013-11-22 12:36:55 CET
One problem is the handling of the modrdn status file. The file is removed before the modrn process has been finished. This should be changed.

But I'm not sure if this is the reason for the customer cases.
Comment 3 Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2013-11-25 08:06:24 CET
We got more log output:

22.11.13 17:21:38.866  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : delete handlers for cn=OBJECT,cn=computers,LDAP_BASE
22.11.13 17:21:38.868  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : replication: rename phase I: cn=OBJECT,cn=computers,LDAP_BASE (entryUUID=6c778548-84ec-1032-8de1-dda543e42327)

The rename was considered which is correct.

22.11.13 17:21:38.868  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : handler: replication (successful)
22.11.13 17:21:38.868  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : handler: pkgdb-watch (skipped)
22.11.13 17:21:38.868  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : deleted from cache: cn=OBJECT,cn=computers,LDAP_BASE
22.11.13 17:21:38.869  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : write to transaction file dn=[cn=OBJECT,cn=computers,LDAP_BASE], command=[r]
22.11.13 17:21:38.870  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : >>>
GET_DN 89013

22.11.13 17:21:38.912  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : RESULT: [(null)]

22.11.13 17:21:38.912  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : <<<
89013 cn=OBJECT,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,LDAP_BASE a

22.11.13 17:21:38.912  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : notifier returned = id: 89013  dn: cn=OBJECT,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,LDAP_BASE   cmd: a
22.11.13 17:21:38.912  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : updating cn=OBJECT,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,LDAP_BASE
22.11.13 17:21:38.963  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : >>>

22.11.13 17:21:39.012  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : RESULT: [(null)]

22.11.13 17:21:39.012  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : <<<

22.11.13 17:21:39.012  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : checking parent_dn of cn=OBJECT,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,LDAP_BASE in local LDAP
22.11.13 17:21:39.012  LDAP        ( INFO    ) : connecting to ldap://localhost:7389/
22.11.13 17:21:39.012  LDAP        ( INFO    ) : simple_bind as cn=admin,LDAP_BASE
22.11.13 17:21:39.013  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : no cache entry found for cn=OBJECT,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,LDAP_BASE
22.11.13 17:21:39.013  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : running handlers for cn=OBJECT,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,LDAP_BASE
22.11.13 17:21:39.013  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : handler: replication considered
22.11.13 17:21:39.013  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : LDAP keys=['uid', 'krb5PrincipalName', 'univentionOperatingSystemVersion', 'objectClass', 'entryUUID', 'sambaAcctFlags', 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID', 'entryDN', 'structuralObjectClass',
22.11.13 17:21:39.013  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : replication: old entries from LDAP server and Listener do not match
22.11.13 17:21:39.013  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : replication: modify: cn=OBJECT,cn=memberserver,cn=computers,LDAP_BASE

The rename is not continued. It was considered as a normal modification. I'm still unable to reproduce it but it could be possible if the local listener cache still contains informations about the old object.

The rename phase should be continued even if the replication module gets new and old (modification).
Comment 4 Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2013-11-25 08:54:38 CET
The modrdn phase is now continued even if new and old was given.

Fix: 46289
YAML: 46292
Comment 5 Arvid Requate univentionstaff 2013-11-26 18:18:48 CET
Actually the listener.log enty at 17:21:39.013  shows that the listener did not pass any "old" object, but replication.py found the object in the local local LDAP:

22.11.13 17:21:39.013  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : LDAP keys=['uid', 'krb5PrincipalName', 'univentionOperatingSystemVersion', 'objectClass', 'entryUUID', 'sambaAcctFlags', 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID', 'entryDN', 'structuralObjectClass', 'krb5MaxLife', 'cn', 'hasSubordinates', 'userPassword', 'krb5Key', 'krb5MaxRenew', 'loginShell', 'aRecord', 'uidNumber', 'univentionObjectType', 'krb5KDCFlags', 'gidNumber', 'subschemaSubentry', 'displayName', 'sambaPwdLastSet', 'sambaNTPassword', 'modifyTimestamp', 'entryCSN', 'associatedDomain', 'creatorsName', 'modifiersName', 'sambaSID', 'createTimestamp', 'krb5KeyVersionNumber', 'sn', 'homeDirectory', 'univentionOperatingSystem']; listener keys=[]

Note that listener keys is empty here. replication.py uses the result of the local LDAP search as "old" object. So it would be interesting to know why the target DN


existed in the local (slave) LDAP at that point.

I guess in this case the current patch would not fix the problem in this case, as an LDAP rename_s call would fail if the target exists, resulting in a traceback in line 930:

   l.rename_s(old_dn, new_rdn, new_parent)

What do you think? At least I think we should avoid this potential traceback? Or maybe we even find another clue about the source of this issue.
Comment 6 Arvid Requate univentionstaff 2013-11-26 19:10:34 CET
I simulated this by manually pre-creating the target DN on a DC Slave and then moving the test user on the DC Master. This is what I get with the new code:

24.10.13 07:55:09.611  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : LDAP keys=['cn', 'krb5PrincipalName', 'objectClass', 'entryUUID', 'sambaAcctFlags', 'sambaPasswordHistory', 'entryDN', 'structuralObjectClass', 'krb5MaxLife', 'shadowLastChange', 'uid', 'hasSubordinates', 'userPassword', 'krb5Key', 'sambaMungedDial', 'krb5MaxRenew', 'gecos', 'uidNumber', 'loginShell', 'univentionObjectType', 'krb5KDCFlags', 'gidNumber', 'subschemaSubentry', 'entryCSN', 'sambaPwdLastSet', 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID', 'sambaNTPassword', 'modifyTimestamp', 'displayName', 'modifiersName', 'sambaSID', 'createTimestamp', 'krb5KeyVersionNumber', 'sn', 'pwhistory', 'homeDirectory', 'creatorsName']; listener keys=[]
24.10.13 07:55:09.611  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : replication: old entries from LDAP server and Listener do not match
24.10.13 07:55:09.611  LISTENER    ( ALL     ) : replication: rename phase II: uid=t3,cn=c1,cn=users,dc=ar311r1,dc=qa (entryUUID=9b09af44-d091-1032-8ad8-fdff6bd9af56)
24.10.13 07:55:09.612  LISTENER    ( WARN    ) : Already exists: uid=t3,cn=c1,cn=users,dc=ar311r1,dc=qa; trying to apply changes
24.10.13 07:55:09.613  LISTENER    ( INFO    ) : LDAP keys=['cn', 'krb5PrincipalName', 'objectClass', 'entryUUID', 'sambaAcctFlags', 'sambaPasswordHistory', 'entryDN', 'structuralObjectClass', 'krb5MaxLife', 'shadowLastChange', 'uid', 'hasSubordinates', 'userPassword', 'krb5Key', 'sambaMungedDial', 'krb5MaxRenew', 'gecos', 'uidNumber', 'loginShell', 'univentionObjectType', 'krb5KDCFlags', 'gidNumber', 'subschemaSubentry', 'entryCSN', 'sambaPwdLastSet', 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID', 'sambaNTPassword', 'modifyTimestamp', 'displayName', 'modifiersName', 'sambaSID', 'createTimestamp', 'krb5KeyVersionNumber', 'sn', 'pwhistory', 'homeDirectory', 'creatorsName']; listener keys=['cn', 'krb5PrincipalName', 'objectClass', 'uidNumber', 'sambaAcctFlags', 'sambaPasswordHistory', 'krb5MaxLife', 'shadowLastChange', 'uid', 'userPassword', 'krb5Key', 'sambaMungedDial', 'krb5MaxRenew', 'gecos', 'loginShell', 'univentionObjectType', 'krb5KDCFlags', 'gidNumber', 'sambaPwdLastSet', 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID', 'sambaNTPassword', 'displayName', 'sambaSID', 'krb5KeyVersionNumber', 'sn', 'pwhistory', 'homeDirectory']

So, the beginning looks like the listener log file found in Ticket#: 2013111421008025. But now an ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS exception occurs during the ldap.rename_s, which is cought by the listener and he tries again "trying to apply changes". This goes on until 

RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
Comment 7 Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2013-11-27 06:38:02 CET
(In reply to Arvid Requate from comment #5)
> Actually the listener.log enty at 17:21:39.013  shows that the listener did
> not pass any "old" object, but replication.py found the object in the local
> local LDAP:

Ah, yes. You are right, I missed the re-check against the local slapd because I thought too much about a corrupted cache.

> What do you think? At least I think we should avoid this potential
> traceback? Or maybe we even find another clue about the source of this issue.

I think we should do the following:

 - if rename and new and not old: do rename like we always did
 - if rename and new and old: log the status, remove old and rename new to old

The rename from new to old sounds strange but I think you know what I mean.

That would be a kind of self-healing. Do you agree?
Comment 8 Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2013-11-29 13:51:47 CET
I've added it like described. Additional the local deleted objects are dumped to /var/univention-backup/replication/<seconds since 1970>. I've also added a test case for it: 46replication_modrdn_local_modification

Updates: r46420 + r46423
Test Case: r46417
Comment 9 Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2013-12-02 16:14:06 CET
We found another issue. The rename in 2.4 results to different entryUUIDs on master and backup/slave. This is a problem for the 3.1 / 3.2 move because it based on the same entryUUID.

If phase II is not recognized in the modrdn process, the old entry should be removed locally.
Comment 10 Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2013-12-03 07:22:39 CET
(In reply to Stefan Gohmann from comment #9)
> We found another issue. The rename in 2.4 results to different entryUUIDs on
> master and backup/slave. This is a problem for the 3.1 / 3.2 move because it
> based on the same entryUUID.
> If phase II is not recognized in the modrdn process, the old entry should be
> removed locally.

This has been fixed with r46471.

The modrdn phase I now creates a symlink to point to the current entryUUID. If the entryUUID does not match in phase II, the old dn will be removed and the new one will be added.
Comment 11 Arvid Requate univentionstaff 2013-12-04 20:09:17 CET
 * Advisory OK
 * code refactoring of _delete_dn_recursive is backwards compatible
 * target conflict resolution (recursive backup+delete+logging OK, move OK)
 * source missing during rename works as well (also with target conflict)
 * During the QA I also positively saw an evidence of the Comment 2 improving the behavior after a manual ldapmodrn run on the master:
 04.12.13 11:21:36.341  LISTENER    ( PROCESS ) : replication: rename phase I: uid=user3,ou=ou1,dc=ar320i10,dc=qa (entryUUID=30cc3eb6-f117-1032-8a08-6bfd03501c5a)
04.12.13 11:21:36.682  LISTENER    ( PROCESS ) : replication: rename phase II: uid=user3,cn=usercontainer1,ou=ou2,dc=ar320i10,dc=qa (entryUUID=30cc3eb6-f117-1032-8a08-6bfd03501c5a)
04.12.13 11:21:36.682  LISTENER    ( WARN    ) : Can't contact LDAP server: retrying
04.12.13 11:21:36.684  LISTENER    ( PROCESS ) : replication: rename phase II: uid=user3,cn=usercontainer1,ou=ou2,dc=ar320i10,dc=qa (entryUUID=30cc3eb6-f117-1032-8a08-6bfd03501c5a)
04.12.13 11:21:36.684  LISTENER    ( PROCESS ) : replication: rename from uid=user3,ou=ou1,dc=ar320i10,dc=qa to uid=user3,cn=usercontainer1,ou=ou2,dc=ar320i10,dc=qa
QA TODO left:
 * check handling of entryUUID difference
 * check _modify_object_from_old_and_new and _add_object_from_new refactoring
Comment 12 Arvid Requate univentionstaff 2013-12-05 16:15:33 CET
Ok, the test cases work as well.
Comment 13 Moritz Muehlenhoff univentionstaff 2013-12-12 11:32:02 CET