Univention Bugzilla – Bug 34868
Client updates of DNS records with existing IPv6 entries fail.
Last modified: 2014-05-27 14:44:20 CEST
Client updates of DNS records with existing IPv6 entries fail. The excellent debug and network traces provided via Ticket#: 2014051321004004 made it possible to track this down to an issue in the Samba4 backend for Bind9. The patch for this is accepted upstream and should be backported to our samba package as well. The characteristic message is comprised of these two consecutive lines is syslog: ======================================================================== <date> <server> named[<pid>]: client <ip>#<port>: updating zone '<domainname>/NONE': deleting rrset at '<client>.<domainname>' AAAA [no gap here] <date> <server> named[<pid>]: samba_dlz: cancelling transaction on zone <domainname> ========================================================================
Advisory: 2014-05-16-samba4.yaml Test: 51_samba4/55dns_update
Code: OK Tests: OK Test case: OK YAML: OK