Bug 35500 - UCS in Active Directory domain & S4 Connector
UCS in Active Directory domain & S4 Connector
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: S4 Connector
UCS 3.2
Other Linux
: P5 enhancement (vote)
: UCS 3.2-2-errata
Assigned To: Arvid Requate
Felix Botner
Depends on: 35252
Blocks: 34091
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Reported: 2014-07-28 18:08 CEST by Arvid Requate
Modified: 2014-08-07 17:49 CEST (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Arvid Requate univentionstaff 2014-07-28 18:08:54 CEST
In case univention-s4-connector gets installed in a domain configured for AD member mode the joinscript should configure connector/s4/autostart=no and abort.

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #35252 +++
Comment 1 Arvid Requate univentionstaff 2014-07-28 18:36:17 CEST
The package has been adjusted and built in scope errata3.2-2.

Advisory: 2014-07-28-univention-s4-connector.yaml
Comment 2 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2014-08-01 09:58:01 CEST

timeout: finish: univention-directory-listener: (pid 18835) 10s, normally down
Calling joinscript 97univention-s4-connector.inst ...
ERROR: The domain is in AD Member Mode.
Stopping univention-s4-connector daemon.
Create connector/s4/autostart
Create connector/s4/listener/disabled
sv status returns no running listener, don't need to restart..
Joinscript 97univention-s4-connector.inst finished with exitcode 1
Stopping univention-s4-connector daemon.
s4-connector disabled by ucr var connector/s4/autostart=no

Comment 3 Janek Walkenhorst univentionstaff 2014-08-07 17:49:24 CEST