Univention Bugzilla – Bug 35566
AD connector in with machine account as binddn does not delete users in UCS
Last modified: 2014-08-07 17:46:03 CEST
At least in AD member mode the connector does not delete users in UCS if they are deleted in windows.
This was observed in AD Member mode joined into a Windows 2008R2 AD: After deleting user1 in AD the user was not deleted in UCS. The internal.sqlite shows: DN Mapping UCS: uid=user1,cn=users,dc=arw2k8r2i2,dc=qa|cn=user1,cn=users,dc=arw2k8r2i2,dc=qa DN Mapping CON: cn=user1,cn=users,dc=arw2k8r2i2,dc=qa|uid=user1,cn=users,dc=arw2k8r2i2,dc=qa AD GUID: DtTsplLr2ESQ/XjZCFNcmQ== |CN=user1,CN=Users,DC=arw2k8r2i2,DC=qa root@master40:~# ldbsearch --show-deleted -H ldap:// -UAdministrator%Univention.99 sAMAccountName=user1 # record 1 dn: CN=user1\0ADEL:a6ecd40e-eb52-44d8-90fd-78d908535c99,CN=Deleted Objects,DC=arw2k8r2i2,DC=qa objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: user cn:: dXNlcjEKREVMOmE2ZWNkNDBlLWViNTItNDRkOC05MGZkLTc4ZDkwODUzNWM5OQ== distinguishedName: CN=user1\0ADEL:a6ecd40e-eb52-44d8-90fd-78d908535c99,CN=Dele ted Objects,DC=arw2k8r2i2,DC=qa instanceType: 4 whenCreated: 20140731084758.0Z whenChanged: 20140801112144.0Z uSNCreated: 16475 isDeleted: TRUE uSNChanged: 24983 name:: dXNlcjEKREVMOmE2ZWNkNDBlLWViNTItNDRkOC05MGZkLTc4ZDkwODUzNWM5OQ== objectGUID: a6ecd40e-eb52-44d8-90fd-78d908535c99 userAccountControl: 512 objectSid: S-1-5-21-1950644492-691169364-2646992570-1106 sAMAccountName: user1 lastKnownParent: CN=Users,DC=arw2k8r2i2,DC=qa isRecycled: TRUE The connector.log at debug level 10 shows no trace of the delete, only 01.08.2014 13:23:07,466 LDAP (INFO ): Search AD with filter: (uSNCreated>=25004) 01.08.2014 13:23:07,469 LDAP (INFO ): Search AD with filter: (uSNChanged>=25004)
Hmm, now I deleted another user and after deleting it has uSNChanged: 25014 but the connector keeps looking for "uSNChanged>=25004": 01.08.2014 14:21:23,94 LDAP (INFO ): Search AD with filter: (uSNCreated>=25004) 01.08.2014 14:21:23,97 LDAP (INFO ): Search AD with filter: (uSNChanged>=25004) root@master70:~# sqlite3 /etc/univention/connector/internal.sqlite 'select * from AD;' lastUSN|25003 Then I create a new user in AD and the AD Connector recognizes the change and synchronizes the new user: 01.08.2014 14:25:08,652 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: [ user] [ add] uid=user11,cn=users,dc=arw2k8r2i2,dc=qa [...] 01.08.2014 14:25:16,58 LDAP (INFO ): Search AD with filter: (uSNCreated>=25031) 01.08.2014 14:25:16,62 LDAP (INFO ): Search AD with filter: (uSNChanged>=25031) My impression is that the machine account cannot read/find the deleted objects in AD. Using ldbsearch (from another Samba4 DC where this tool is usable): ldbsearch --show-deleted -H ldap:// \ -Umaster70$%348RdMHrJ49FOXDWNukW sAMAccountName=user2 returns nothing but the same search as "Administrator" returns the deleted object.
Created attachment 6056 [details] grant_LSRP_DSACL_to_master70.ldif Following the knowledge base article creates the attached nTSecurityDescriptor for "CN=Deleted Objects". It's possible to do this from the AD Member wizard via python-ldap. These points have to be considered for this: * The SID of the local DC must be looked up as it needs to be written into the nTSecurityDescriptor. * The "CN=Deleted Objects" doesn't have a nTSecurityDescriptor by default, but it may have one set in the domain we join into. So we have to provide a default (see attached ldif) or manipulate the existing DSACLs. * The new rule "(A;;RPLC;;;<SID_of_the_UCS_DC>)" should maybe be put as the first of the SACL list and after the D:PAI flags (but they don't necessarily look that way). * via samba.dcerpc we can decode and modify the nTSecurityDescriptor, either textually via SDDL manipulation or via the methods of the object. Maybe the latter is more safe. * We can only modify the object via python-ldap, as ldapmodify CLI doesn't seem to allow passing the required "show delted objects" control.
Created attachment 6058 [details] make_Deleted_Objects_readable_for_this_machine.py I hit a wall here: "CN=Deleted Objects" doesn't have a nTSecurityDescriptor set by default. If it is not set, the python ldap.modify_ext_s fails with 'Insufficient access'. So currently there are only three ways to do this: 1) Run dsacls "CN=Deleted Objects,..." /takeownership once as Administrator on the AD Server commandline. 2.A) Then run dsacls "CN=Deleted Objects,..." /G:MYDOM\UCSMASTER$:LCRP 2.B) Or the attached script from UCS (with --binddn and --bindpwd) or 3) run ldbmodify --controls=sd_flags:1:1 --show-deleted -H ldap:// \ --simple-bind-dn=CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ARW2K8R2I2,DC=QA \ --password=Univention.99 \ grant_LSRP_DSACL_to_master70.ldif from a Samba4 system. Unfortunately ldbmodify is not available without having a couple of samba4 libraries installed, which are unavailable in "AD Member" mode. Somehow I could not get the required controls passed through properly via python-ldap until now.
Ok, now it seems to work. The control value was required to be a BER encoded structure. Rebuilding and testing.
The AD Member wizard now calls "make-deleted-objects-readable-for-this-machine" with the given AD Admin credentials via univention-lib before finally starting the connector. Deleted objects are then recognized by the AD Connector. Advisory: 2014-07-03-univention-ad-connector.yaml
works great, tested on w2k3r2 (de), w2k8r2 (en) and w2k12 AD ACL's look good: @w2k8r2 (en) -> dsacls "cn=deleted objects,dc=base" Owner: W2K8R2EN\Domain Admins Group: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Access list: {This object is protected from inheriting permissions from the parent} Allow W2K8R2EN\master$ SPECIAL ACCESS LIST CONTENTS READ PROPERTY Allow BUILTIN\Administrators SPECIAL ACCESS LIST CONTENTS READ PROPERTY Allow NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM SPECIAL ACCESS DELETE READ PERMISSONS WRITE PERMISSIONS CHANGE OWNERSHIP CREATE CHILD DELETE CHILD LIST CONTENTS WRITE SELF WRITE PROPERTY READ PROPERTY @w2k12 (de) -> dsacls "cn=deleted objects,dc=base" Besitzer: W2K12\Domänen-Admins Gruppe: NT-AUTORITÄT\SYSTEM Zugriffsliste: {Objekt ist vor Vererbung von Übergeordneten Berechtigungen geschützt} Zulassen W2K12\master$ Beschränkter Zugriff LIST CONTENTS READ PROPERTY Zulassen VORDEFINIERT\Administratoren Beschränkter Zugriff LIST CONTENTS READ PROPERTY Zulassen NT-AUTORITÄT\SYSTEM Beschränkter Zugriff DELETE READ PERMISSONS WRITE PERMISSIONS CHANGE OWNERSHIP CREATE CHILD DELETE CHILD LIST CONTENTS WRITE SELF WRITE PROPERTY READ PROPERTY univention-adsearch with machine account can now see deleted objects: -> univention-adsearch cn=*| grep DN:| grep -i del DN: CN=Deleted Objects,DC=w2k3,DC=test DN: CN=win1\0ADEL:f9c82ee8-8d78-4ebe-91c8-c5f0f7d524ae,CN=Deleted Objects,DC=w2k3,DC=test -> univention-adsearch cn=deleted\ objects DN: CN=Deleted Objects,DC=w2k12,DC=test -> -> univention-adsearch 'cn=*\0ADEL*' dn DN: CN=win4 win4\0ADEL:fd18c71d-5824-4797-964f-d545e46bb7d3,CN=Deleted Objects,DC=w2k8r2en,DC=test DN: CN=win5 win5\0ADEL:b754122d-4fe2-482c-95ac-ab6d429e675b,CN=Deleted Objects,DC=w2k8r2en,DC=test DN: CN=win6 win6\0ADEL:112f9d24-92e1-4ee6-b6eb-7bb2699d7cd1,CN=Deleted Objects,DC=w2k8r2en,DC=test And the connector deletes objects deleted in AD: -> cat /var/log/univention/connector.log| grep delete 06.08.2014 10:29:02,469 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: [ user] [ delete] uid=win3,cn=users,dc=w2k12,dc=test -> cat /var/log/univention/connector.log| grep delete 06.08.2014 18:48:49,574 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: [ user] [ delete] uid=win6,cn=users,dc=w2k8r2en,dc=test 06.08.2014 18:48:49,640 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: [ user] [ delete] uid=win5,cn=users,dc=w2k8r2en,dc=test 06.08.2014 18:48:49,698 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: [ user] [ delete] uid=win4,cn=users,dc=w2k8r2en,dc=test -> cat /var/log/univention/connector.log| grep delete 06.08.2014 09:38:57,699 LDAP (PROCESS): sync to ucs: [ user] [ delete] uid=win1,cn=users,dc=w2k3,dc=test The program also recognizes when the ACL are already fine: -> make-deleted-objects-readable-for-this-machine --binddn "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=w2k12,DC=test" --bindpw Univention.99 INFO: DSACL of Deleted Objects is already OK. Please fix these two typos: -> grep -n sys,exit scripts/make-deleted-objects-readable-for-this-machine 298: sys,exit(1) 304: sys,exit(1)
Ok, fixed, advisory updated.
YAML 2014-07-03-univention-ad-connector.yaml - OK YAML 2014-07-23-univention-lib.yaml - OK