Bug 35584 - samba/role not set during update
samba/role not set during update
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Samba
UCS 3.2
Other Linux
: P1 critical (vote)
: UCS 3.2-2-errata
Assigned To: Felix Botner
Sönke Schwardt-Krummrich
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Blocks: 35590
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Reported: 2014-08-08 10:10 CEST by Janis Meybohm
Modified: 2014-08-11 11:22 CEST (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Janis Meybohm univentionstaff 2014-08-08 10:10:02 CEST
univention-samba 8.0.19-10.476.201407281536 introduces "samba/role" as new UCR but the variable is not set on updated systems. This leads to broken NT domains after installation of errata 164 as winbind stops working:

root@billy:~# wbinfo -U 2041
root@billy:~# wbinfo -S S-1-5-21-3980132504-3533172963-4083691310-5082
root@billy:~# wbinfo -n janis
failed to call wbcLookupName: WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND
Could not lookup name janis

 [2014/08/08 09:26:36.681600,  5]

  Could not convert sid S-0-0: NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED

root@billy:~# net rpc testjoin
net_rpc_join_ok: failed to get schannel session key from server BILLY
for domain KNUT. Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
Join to domain 'KNUT' is not valid: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

Workaround is to set samba/role to "domaincontroller" or "memberserver" (according to UCR server/role) and restart samba and winbind.
Comment 1 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2014-08-08 10:26:11 CEST
samba/role is missing after the update (only set in the join script)!

samba/role is now set according to the server/role in postinst for this update.
Comment 2 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2014-08-08 10:29:34 CEST
changes merged to 3.2-3
Comment 3 Sönke Schwardt-Krummrich univentionstaff 2014-08-08 11:32:30 CEST
OK: bug reproducible with old package version
OK: code change
OK: problem fixed with new package version
OK: YAML (small fix in description)
OK: added ucs-test script 50_samba/10ucr_samba_role that checks samba/role 
    on S3 systems
Comment 4 Janek Walkenhorst univentionstaff 2014-08-08 11:59:42 CEST