Bug 35595 - It is impossible to delete mail, if quota is exceeded
It is impossible to delete mail, if quota is exceeded
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Mail - Horde
UCS 3.2
Other Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Mail maintainers
Depends on:
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Reported: 2014-08-11 16:33 CEST by Ulf Friedel
Modified: 2017-08-08 07:11 CEST (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
What kind of report is it?: Bug Report
What type of bug is this?: 1: Cosmetic issue or missing function but workaround exists
Who will be affected by this bug?: 1: Will affect a very few installed domains
How will those affected feel about the bug?: 2: A Pain – users won’t like this once they notice it
User Pain: 0.011
Enterprise Customer affected?:
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ISV affected?:
Waiting Support:
Flags outvoted (downgraded) after PO Review:
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Description Ulf Friedel 2014-08-11 16:33:11 CEST
Horde Groupware Webmail Edition: Version 5.1.0-2
UCS 3.2-2 Errata 152

In case of exceeding the mail quota of an user, it is impossible to delete messages by using the Horde web interface. So the user has no chance to get back below the quota.

# tail -f /var/log/horde/horde.log
2014-08-11T14:27:50+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Load config file (conf.php; app: horde) [pid 22764 on line 401 of "/usr/share/php/Horde.php"]
2014-08-11T14:27:50+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Horde_Registry: retrieved app with cache ID horde_registry|app|1407767221|d6b1684acbf6496d8cb99733f3524d84 [pid 22764 on line 1987 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry.php"]
2014-08-11T14:27:50+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [imp] Load config file (conf.php; app: imp) [pid 22764 on line 401 of "/usr/share/php/Horde.php"]
2014-08-11T14:27:50+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [imp] Load config file (hooks.php; app: imp) [pid 22764 on line 401 of "/usr/share/php/Horde.php"]
2014-08-11T14:27:50+00:00 ERR: HORDE [imp] IMAP error reported by server. Over quota [pid 22764 on line 571 of "/usr/share/horde/imp/lib/Imap.php"]
2014-08-11T14:27:50+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE  1. Horde_Core_Ajax_Application->doAction() /usr/share/horde/services/ajax.php:58
 2. call_user_func() /usr/share/php/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application.php:162
 3. IMP_Ajax_Application_Handler_Common->deleteMessages()
 4. IMP_Message->delete() /usr/share/horde/imp/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler/Common.php:221
 5. IMP_Imap->copy() /usr/share/horde/imp/lib/Message.php:229
 6. IMP_Imap->__call() /usr/share/horde/imp/lib/Message.php:229
 7. Horde_Core_Ajax_Application->doAction() /usr/share/horde/services/ajax.php:58
 8. call_user_func() /usr/share/php/Horde/Core/Ajax/Application.php:162
 9. IMP_Ajax_Application_Handler_Common->deleteMessages()
10. IMP_Message->delete() /usr/share/horde/imp/lib/Ajax/Application/Handler/Common.php:221
11. IMP_Imap->copy() /usr/share/horde/imp/lib/Message.php:229
12. IMP_Imap->__call() /usr/share/horde/imp/lib/Message.php:229
13. call_user_func_array() /usr/share/horde/imp/lib/Imap.php:569
14. Horde_Imap_Client_Base->copy()
15. Horde_Imap_Client_Socket->_copy() /usr/share/php/Horde/Imap/Client/Base.php:3020
16. Horde_Imap_Client_Socket->_sendCmd() /usr/share/php/Horde/Imap/Client/Socket.php:3242
17. Horde_Imap_Client_Socket->_sendCmdChunk() /usr/share/php/Horde/Imap/Client/Socket.php:3754
18. Horde_Imap_Client_Socket->_getLine() /usr/share/php/Horde/Imap/Client/Socket.php:3821

2014-08-11T14:27:50+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [imp] SQL  (0.0015s)  
	SELECT alarm_id, alarm_uid, alarm_start, alarm_end, alarm_methods,
	  alarm_params, alarm_title, alarm_text, alarm_snooze, alarm_internal
	  FROM horde_alarms WHERE alarm_dismissed = 0 AND ((alarm_snooze IS NULL
	  AND alarm_start <= '2014-08-11T14:27:50') OR alarm_snooze <=
	  '2014-08-11T14:27:50') AND (alarm_end IS NULL OR alarm_end >=
	  '2014-08-11T14:27:50') AND (alarm_uid IS NULL OR alarm_uid = '' OR
	  alarm_uid = 'user@local.net') ORDER BY alarm_start, alarm_end [pid 22764 on line 558 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Base.php"]
2014-08-11T14:27:50+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [imp] Max memory usage: 19136512 bytes [pid 22764 on line 559 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry.php"]
Comment 1 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2016-10-14 09:08:51 CEST
Is this still true for Horde in UCS 4.x?

At least with Dovecot and UCS 4.1 I think it doesn't happen, because the Trash folder is allowed 100MB more quota that the rest of the mailbox.

Please raise the 'Version' if you know about the behavior in UCS 4.x.
Comment 2 Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2017-06-16 20:39:17 CEST
This issue has been filed against UCS 3. UCS 3 is out of the normal maintenance and many UCS components have vastly changed in UCS 4.

If this issue is still valid, please change the version to a newer UCS version otherwise this issue will be automatically closed in the next weeks.
Comment 3 Stefan Gohmann univentionstaff 2017-08-08 07:11:10 CEST
This issue has been filed against UCS 3.2.

UCS 3.2 is out of maintenance and many UCS components have vastly changed in later releases. Thus, this issue is now being closed.

If this issue still occurs in newer UCS versions, please use "Clone this bug" or reopen this issue. In this case please provide detailed information on how this issue is affecting you.