Univention Bugzilla – Bug 38314
wrong URL if network has special UVMM configuration
Last modified: 2015-04-30 12:32:24 CEST
UCS 4.0-1 Errata 160 Opening the UMC module for network settings leads to a message telling me that there are special settings for UVMM and I can't use the module. That's OK, but the message links to a non existing URL: http://docs.univention.de/computers-4.0.html#uvmm The URL has to be replaced, I assume http://docs.univention.de/uvmm-4.0.html#uvmmext:kvm would be the right one.
r60121 | Bug #38314 USS: Fix broken UVMM link <http://docs.univention.de/manual-4.0.html#computers:networkcomplex:uvmm> <http://docs.univention.de/handbuch-4.0.html#computers:networkcomplex:uvmm> Package: univention-system-setup Version: 8.1.66-35.874.201504231325 Branch: ucs_4.0-0 Scope: errata4.0-1 r60124 | Bug #38314 USS: Fix broken UVMM link YAML 2015-04-21-univention-system-setup.yaml QA: ucr set umc/modules/setup/network/disabled/by=kvm <http://xen12.knut.univention.de/univention-management-console/debug.html?lang=de-DE&username=Administrator&password=univention&module=setup&flavor=network> <http://xen12.knut.univention.de/univention-management-console/debug.html?lang=en-US&username=Administrator&password=univention&module=setup&flavor=network>
OK: Link adapted, works for english and german UMC OK: yaml Verified