Univention Bugzilla – Bug 40389
Running Samba 4 and S4 Connector during rejoin on a school slave
Last modified: 2016-01-20 13:44:14 CET
During the rejoin of a school slave, I've seen that the S4 connector still synchronized while the listener has been initialized. I guess that could led to problems but at least it costs a lot of performance. The Samba 4 server was running as well. univention-join should stop theses services. I've seen that at least Samba4 is stopped at the beginning of the join but it has been started in 62ucs-school-slave.inst. I'll create a new bug for it. Ticket #2015121821000547
Fixed in errata4.0-4. Advisory: univention-join.yaml
OK - univention-join, s4-connector and samba are stopped in univention-join and not restarted until 96univention-samba4.inst resp. 97univention-s4-connector.inst OK - yaml