Univention Bugzilla – Bug 40466
connector/s4/listener/disabled=true on UCS@school Multischool Masters
Last modified: 2016-01-21 13:59:41 CET
Erratum 380 sets connector/s4/listener/disabled=true on UCS@school Multischool Masters. We need to 1. avoid that for future updates 2. revert that change on affected systems
I have adjusted univention-s4-connector, reproduced the issue and seen that the updated packages fixed it. Advisory: univention-s4-connector.yaml
ucs@school: OK - update (connector/s4/listener/disabled removed during this update if connector/s4/autostart=true) OK - join script version increased, join, connector/s4/listener/disabled not set OK - rejoin connector/s4/listener/disabled not set (master, slave) normal ucs: OK - update (connector/s4/listener/disabled removed during this update if connector/s4/autostart=true) OK - join script version increased, join, connector/s4/listener/disabled not set OK - rejoin, connector/s4/listener/disabled=yes if NOT univentionService=S4 Connector OK - rejoin connector/s4/listener/disabled not set if univentionService=S4 Connector OK - new installation connector/s4/listener/disabled not set on first connector system connector/s4/listener/disabled=yes on second connector system OK - univention-s4-connector.yaml
just checked if connector/s4/autostart=no on the second server (non school)