Univention Bugzilla – Bug 47027
[4.3] ucs-school-import: Attributes of ImportUser.old_user updated to new user
Last modified: 2018-07-04 18:09:00 CEST
When modifying an existing user during an import, the attribute "old_user" of ImportUser objects should be the unmodified ImportUser object loaded from LDAP. It is however updated with input data (from a CSV file). Hooks and other code can thus not compare the old user object and the new one.
A copy of the user object loaded from LDAP is now created for "old_user", before updating it with data from input. [4.3] 1fcae79e Bug #47027: fix old_user attributes being overwritten [4.3] cc08054d Bug #47027: changelog [4.3] 78016d0c Bug #47027: advisory
OK: code change OK: functional test OK: ucs-test OK: advisory Added a ucs-test script: [4.3 2250fe420] Bug #47027: added 234_modify_user_data_in_pyhooks
UCS@school 4.3 v4 has been released. https://docs.software-univention.de/changelog-ucsschool-4.3v4-de.html If this error occurs again, please clone this bug.