Bug 50177 - Invalid syntax class for simplesamlAttributes in saml/serviceprovider
Invalid syntax class for simplesamlAttributes in saml/serviceprovider
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: SAML
UCS 4.4
Other Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: UCS 4.4-1-errata
Assigned To: Florian Best
Jürn Brodersen
Depends on:
Blocks: 40731
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Reported: 2019-09-11 11:14 CEST by Florian Best
Modified: 2019-09-18 13:23 CEST (History)
2 users (show)

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What kind of report is it?: Development Internal
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Description Florian Best univentionstaff 2019-09-11 11:14:52 CEST
The saml/serviceprovider module has the property simplesamlAttributes with syntax TrueFalseUp. TrueFalseUp only allows TRUE/FALSE as values.

In the joinscript 91univention-saml.inst we set invalid values:
91univention-saml.inst:271:     --set simplesamlAttributes="false" \
91univention-saml.inst:283:     --set simplesamlAttributes="false" \
91univention-saml.inst:296:     --set simplesamlAttributes="false" \

We must change the syntax class to TrueFalse:

diff --git a/saml/univention-saml/modules/univention/admin/handlers/saml/serviceprovider.py b/saml/univention-saml/modules/univention/admin/handlers/saml/serviceprovider.py
index 830129bb5e..33ccb77d67 100644
--- a/saml/univention-saml/modules/univention/admin/handlers/saml/serviceprovider.py
+++ b/saml/univention-saml/modules/univention/admin/handlers/saml/serviceprovider.py
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ property_descriptions = {
        'simplesamlAttributes': univention.admin.property(
                short_description=_(u'Allow transmission of ldap attributes to the service provider'),
                long_description=_(u'Whether the service provider should receive any ldap attributes from the IdP'),
-               syntax=univention.admin.syntax.TrueFalseUp,
+               syntax=univention.admin.syntax.TrueFalse,
Comment 1 Florian Best univentionstaff 2019-09-11 11:41:38 CEST
As there might be already entries with TRUE7FALSE in LDAP we could instead leave the syntax class and fix the values from our joinscript or create a syntax class which allows both forms.
Comment 2 Florian Best univentionstaff 2019-09-11 11:48:05 CEST
This is caused by the broken syntax validation of Bug #40731.
Comment 3 Florian Best univentionstaff 2019-09-11 15:24:21 CEST
Adjusted the joinscript in branch git:fbest/50177-saml-invalid-true-false-values.
So, there is no need to modify the syntax class.
Comment 4 Florian Best univentionstaff 2019-09-12 13:31:58 CEST
Fixed by setting the valid value if it is equal to the currently invalid value.

univention-saml (6.0.2-7)
b43b29d0f728 | Bug #50177: fix invalid true/false values for TrueFalseUp syntax
19763434233a | Bug #50177: fix invalid true/false values for TrueFalseUp syntax
20ab5afbcd3d | Bug #50177: fix invalid true/false values for TrueFalseUp syntax

19763434233a | Bug #50177: fix invalid true/false values for TrueFalseUp syntax
Comment 5 Jürn Brodersen univentionstaff 2019-09-12 18:40:59 CEST
Fixed typo in ldap filter:
[4.4-1 d28437cc09] Bug #50177: fix filter
[4.4-1 08fb8cc217] Bug #50177: yaml

What I tested:
Upgrade -> simplesamlAttributes is now upper case for all three SP -> OK
Deleted all three SP and forced join script execution -> simplesamlAttributes is upper case for all three SP -> OK
Activated all three SP -> "php -l $SP_CONFIG_FILE" in "/etc/simplesamlphp/metadata.d" -> OK


Waiting for jenkins tomorrow, otherwise OK
Comment 6 Jürn Brodersen univentionstaff 2019-09-13 10:41:35 CEST
jenkins -> OK

-> Verified
Comment 7 Erik Damrose univentionstaff 2019-09-18 13:23:28 CEST