Bug 52693 - Support bcrypt in UCS/openldap
Support bcrypt in UCS/openldap
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: General
UCS 4.4
Other Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: UCS 4.4-7-errata
Assigned To: Felix Botner
Julia Bremer
Depends on:
Blocks: 52714 52713
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2021-01-26 12:25 CET by Felix Botner
Modified: 2021-02-03 15:04 CET (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
What kind of report is it?: Feature Request
What type of bug is this?: ---
Who will be affected by this bug?: ---
How will those affected feel about the bug?: ---
User Pain:
Enterprise Customer affected?: Yes
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Waiting Support:
Flags outvoted (downgraded) after PO Review:
Ticket number: 2020062921001161
Bug group (optional): Security
Max CVSS v3 score:


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Description Felix Botner univentionstaff 2021-01-26 12:25:02 CET
* OpenLDAP patchen - 
* bcrypt Unterstütung in lock_password in univention-directory-manager-modules einbauen
** python-bcrypt maintained machen
** lock_password in univention-python anpassen, sodass eine UCR-Variable ausgewertet wird
** Optional den bcrypt cost factor ebenfalls per UCR konfigurierbar machen.
* ucs-test Integrationstest schreiben
Comment 1 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2021-01-26 17:12:22 CET
* python-bcrypt.yaml - copied to errata4.4-7

* openldap.yaml - bcrypt support
 - patches 98_bcrypt.quilt and 98_bcrypt_rules.patch
 - based on https://github.com/wclarie/openldap-bcrypt.git

* univention-ldap.yaml
61c885ce42b13cd8d83b36517c3ed5bf83320a15 - added ldap/pw-bcrypt for bcrypt module

* ucs-test
94053a5cc9e8aab2913932d1f1639e29b7c85b33 - simple bcrypt test (no udm)

 * the UDM stuff
 * caculateMaintained for python-bcrypt
 * merge to 5.0-0
Comment 2 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2021-01-27 18:05:03 CET
* ucs-test - added 61_udm-users/53_udm_users_user_bcrypt_password for users/user and users/ldap bcrypt handling tests

* univention-directory-manager-modules - bcrypt support

* univention-directory-manager-modules.yaml

* python-bcrypt is maintained (via dependency in univention-directory-manager-modules)
-> apt-cache policy python-bcrypt
  Installiert:           3.1.2-1
        500 http://updates-test.software-univention.de/4.4/maintained/component 4.4-7-errata-test/amd64/ Packages

* check jenkins test
* merge to 5.0
Comment 3 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2021-01-28 09:40:34 CET
Tests looking good, i have added extra bugs for documentation (bug #52713) and for bcrypt support for computer objects (bug #52714).

please QA the current state, i will merge these changes to 5.0-0 after the qa, so please re-open
Comment 4 Philipp Hahn univentionstaff 2021-01-29 08:49:35 CET
Some security related questions:

1. Why is this new cipher necessary? Where does the requirement come from? This Bug does not link a any ticket or task providing that information.

2. Who has done a security audit for this upstream patch? We're patching our core component OpenLDAP. Why do we merge this patch and why is it not yet integrated upstream into OpenLDAP itself?
Comment 5 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2021-01-29 09:43:00 CET
(In reply to Philipp Hahn from comment #4)
> Some security related questions:
> 1. Why is this new cipher necessary? Where does the requirement come from?
> This Bug does not link a any ticket or task providing that information.
DL 2020062921001161

> 2. Who has done a security audit for this upstream patch? We're patching our
> core component OpenLDAP. Why do we merge this patch and why is it not yet
> integrated upstream into OpenLDAP itself?
That is a legitimate concern.
I had a quick look at the patch (and i think Arvid),
but i'm not a security expert ...
and i double checked the hashing functionality with a different tool,
if that is not enough please re-open/create new bug/have a look at the patch

One more note, this is disabled by default
Comment 6 Ferenc Géczi univentionstaff 2021-01-29 15:55:49 CET
Hi Everyone,

Monika asked me to see if I can say something to this patch from security perspective, so here is a quick one.

The basic bcrypt implementation code comes from the Openwall security-enhanced Linux distribution.
Which "takes the inspiration" it from the even more security conscious OpenBSD project.
Openwall performs their own security audits, in fact providing security audits is Openwall's main source of income:

So regarding the question of "2. Who has done a security audit for this".
I think it's safe to say that for this part Openwall did.

The code we will be looking at here states: "No copyright is claimed" and placed under public domain.

On top of that codebase, to make it usable with OpenLDAP
Wouter Clarie, security & privacy consultant made a wrapper.
His profile is here https://www.linkedin.com/in/wclarie	
with some recommendations from big names in the software industry.
He also had some contributions to OpenBSD and LibreSSL,
where the whole bcrypt initiative comes from.
So he also does security audits for a living, so to the question of "2. Who has done a security audit for this" I think the answer is, that he did it himself.

On his code the same thing applies,
"No copyright is claimed" and placed under public domain.

But let's see what the https://github.com/wclarie/openldap-bcrypt code really is:

crypt_blowfish.h --> Exactly the same as the openwall 1.3 implementation
                     no difference.

crypt_blowfish.c --> The only difference to the openwall 1.3 implementation,
                     is that the openwall implementation has some Assembly
                     optimisation embedded into some C macro.
                     This C macro is only enabling this optimisation for i386,
                     and for x86_64 it is always off.
                     Since we are only targeting x86_64 essentially there is
                     no difference for us whatsoever.

Makefile         --> Just a harmless Makefile, I don't see any magic backdoor
                     being opened here.
pw-bcrypt.c      --> This is 200 lines of C code, uses the symbols exposed by 
                     crypt_blowfish.h for implementing 2 static and 1 global 
                     C functions for OpenLDAP, namely hash_bcrypt, chk_bcrypt
                     and init_module.
Let's see those three functions in details:

___ hash_bcrypt ___

 It takes two input arguments, a Scheme and a Password in form of
 OpenLDAP BER Values,
 and it returns the apropriate hash, in one output argument.
 It does it by using OpenLDAP's standard `lutil_entropy`
 generator as `salt`. And using the basline bcrypt functions 
  _crypt_gensalt_blowfish_rn and _crypt_blowfish_rn, the rest is
 error handling, memory copying and other boilerplate.
 It is worth mentioning that this function takes an unused parameter here,
 but that is inevitable as OpenLDAP expects a function pointer to a function 
 with 4 arguments.
___ chk_bcrypt ___
 It takes two input arguments, an existing hash of Password, and a
 user-supplied password, which needs to be checked.
 All in form of OpenLDAP BER Values.
 It uses the same baseline _crypt_blowfish_rn to get a new hash and compare 
 it to the previously supplied one. This function takes two unused arguments,
 which are again  inevitable to fulfill the OpenLDAP requirements.
__ init_module __
 This is the usual OpenLDAP module initialisation boilerplate,
 this takes variable number of arguments. If there is no, then a default
 bcrypt work factor is used, otherwise first argument is interpreted as
 a number and that will be the work factor.
So all in all, there is no big magic here, if the original Openwall Project implementation of bcrypt is to be trusted,
then this OpenLDAP integration is also OK in my opinion.
The one very important thing to keep in mind is that we should by no means
enable SLAPD_BCRYPT_DEBUG by accident, as it will start printing out unencrypted passwords.

Should we go on and compare the Openwall codebase to the OpenBSD implementation? Will then OpenBSD trusted enough? Those are my questions.

Regarding the question "Why do we merge this patch and why is it not yet integrated upstream into OpenLDAP itself?".
Let's see this issue:

It appears that the author of the patch doesn't have time and capacity to deal with upstreaming this, and the OpenLDAP people are blaming tha author for that, and think that only the author can be intrested in upstreaming something.
But of course there can be other interpretations as well.
Comment 7 Philipp Hahn univentionstaff 2021-01-29 17:30:38 CET
(In reply to Ferenc Géczi from comment #6)
Thank you for your very details analysis, this is enough for me.
I just wanted to assert that at least someone from the security community has audited this piece of code before we integrate and ship it.
Comment 8 Julia Bremer univentionstaff 2021-02-02 15:45:10 CET
python-bcrypt is maintained: OK
Authentication/password-change works with bcrypt: OK
Authentication/password-change works with 2a/2b mode: OK
Authentication/password-change with S4: OK
Authentication/password-change with AD: OK
Password history works with bcrypt hashes(2a, 2b): OK
Tests: OK
Code review: OK

Please merge to ucs5!
Comment 9 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2021-02-02 15:46:35 CET
402df7fc7d218d3c1f09b44086c9953d968dcdf7 - removed salt parameter
Comment 10 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2021-02-03 09:46:05 CET

Added (slightly modified) 98_bcrypt.quilt and 98_bcrypt_rules.patch to svn/patches/openldap/5.0-0-0-ucs/2.4.47+dfsg-3+deb10u4 and re-built the openldap packages, short test with UCS 5 OK (as the other changes are not yet available, everything by hand)

add "moduleload	pw-bcrypt.so" to /etc/ldap/slapd.conf
create a test user
change userPassword to bcrypt hash (e.g. {BCRYPT}$2b$08$s8k7t6cvdHLLMz75emGZMeP.d0c3Xl/.to3FntmYUxabPlpEa/bjW -> randompassword)
ldap authentication should work: univention-ldapsearch -D uid=test1,dc=five,dc=test -x -w randompassword

univention-ldap, univention-directory-manager-modules, ucs-test:

Comment 11 Julia Bremer univentionstaff 2021-02-03 13:05:01 CET
openLDAP built in UCS5: OK
mr: OK
short manual tests on UCS5: OK
