Bug 53286 - Improvement of Documentation for ucsschool-apis
Improvement of Documentation for ucsschool-apis
Status: NEW
Product: Components
Classification: Unclassified
Component: ucsschool-apis
Other Mac OS X 10.1
: P5 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: UCS@school maintainers
UCS@school maintainers
Depends on:
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Reported: 2021-05-19 08:51 CEST by Ole Schwiegert
Modified: 2021-06-14 13:14 CEST (History)
1 user (show)

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What kind of report is it?: Development Internal
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Description Ole Schwiegert univentionstaff 2021-05-19 08:51:01 CEST
The documentation source can be found in the git repo under docs/source

This Bug is for improving the documentation with feedback from devs, support and professional service. The following feedback was already given and should be included:

QA Documentation

Create a working directory, and check out the *UCS@School API* code and the
example plugin code
-> Create a working directory and check out the *UCS@School API* code, as well as the
example plugin code

we check that the api server as such will run. 
-> in the future? Why not "runs"?

   mv ${MYPLUGIN}-plugin/echo_plugin ${MYPLUGIN}-plugin/${MYPLUGIN}_plugin
   mv ${MYPLUGIN}-plugin/${MYPLUGIN}_plugin/echo_plugin.py ${MYPLUGIN}-plugin/${MYPLUGIN}_plugin/${MYPLUGIN}_plugin.py
   mv ${MYPLUGIN}-plugin/tests/unittests/test_echo_plugin.py ${MYPLUGIN}-plugin/tests/unittests/test_${MYPLUGIN}_plugin.py

-> Do we need this to be so explicit? This is hard to read (but correct).

this where you can define models that describe what
-> this is where you can define models that describe what

In theory, if you go to http://localhost:8080/ucsschool/apis/docs, you
-> why in theory? 

All the best with writing your plugins, and don't hesitate to contact the UCS@school team if you
have questions!
-> Who is supposed to read this? If profS then this is OK. If not I'm not so sure.
Comment 1 Joerg Baach univentionstaff 2021-05-19 09:29:33 CEST
Added the suggestions to the branch jbaach/53286_api_doc_improvement.

The ${MYPLUGIN} was for copy and paste, but it makes more sense to have people actually read the lines.

The target audience is profS from what I understand.
Comment 2 Ole Schwiegert univentionstaff 2021-05-19 09:59:55 CEST
Regarding OPA we need some more info for plugin writers. Namely:

which information is included in the sent token
Comment 3 Joerg Baach univentionstaff 2021-05-21 12:32:14 CEST
Modified the dev mode section for actual working approach: link in the plugin dir into site-packages.

[jbaach/53286_api_doc_improvement] b44b0b0 Bug #53286: improving dev mode: link the plugin dir to site-packages
Comment 4 Joerg Baach univentionstaff 2021-05-25 13:27:01 CEST
Modified the tutorial to use OPA as a dependency.

Also messed up the git, so the previous commit id has changed. Now we have:

jbaach/53286_api_doc_improvement] e4f860f Bug #53286: OPA as dependency, testing
[jbaach/53286_api_doc_improvement] fba47be Bug #53286: improving dev mode: link the plugin dir to site-packages
Comment 5 Joerg Baach univentionstaff 2021-06-14 13:14:12 CEST
docker build command was broken

[jbaach/53286_api_doc_improvement] 4ebdb88 Bug #53286: corrected docker build command